What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Tablets (oral)
The rhythm of your post is delightfully reminiscent of this little caterpillar, one page for every sentence. I expect he's well known in the UK as well. It made me want to reread the book but I couldn't find my copy, must e somewhere.
Also, I would have happily eaten along with you today, your food sounds very tasty to me. :hungry:

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No worries, I bought a ridiculous amount of hummus yesterday at a discount because of the date. Except, I know from experience it'll last for at least a month after expiry, despite it being a cooled product, I should be fine for a while!

And very happy to hear your back is better!

Thankee thankee, yes, most certainly, a classic, in fact I still have the plush one I bought before my daughter arrived which seems like yesterday and will be soon starting secondary school this year! I'm sure we still have the book too.

funny how memory works, I just instantly thought of these


I tend to break up my thoughts like that sometimes to try to keep concise (probably taking the same space though) as I have a tendency to ramble sometimes.

Thanks, (just been reading about your back issues, good to hear some pain in the upper back is resolving, had a torn rotator cuff in 2022 and that was no fun at all.) The back I've been unesc suffering from was a simple fix, was my mattress (only got it in 2020) causing it, too soft! so sort of laying in a bit of a ditch when on my side, pulling my hip out of line, flipped the mattress (even though its meant to be one sided) and put some heavy blankets so we don't get spiked by springs, and a few covers over, few days of aches and pains and I could walk again. I had really started to think that was it, my back had "gone" for good. Hopefully nothing too serious for you.

I also get lots of 'we can't sell this any more after today' deals, I think I worry too much about the expiry on things these days though, I tend to label jars I've opened, think it comes from having parents who used to have mystery aged pickles, and dubious soft cheeses (is this a really herb one/meant to be hairy?)

I didn't know hummus might keep that long!
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I made a ragu and had it with roast cauliflower this evening. Trouble is it was a bit watery and I obviously can’t thicken it with flour like I used to. I don’t want to use xantham gum as it always turns a bit jelly-fied. Any suggestions please?
Longer, slower cooking to allow the sauce to evaporate, is the way I go, and then finish with butter right at the end. That helps the flavour and the consistency of the sauce.


Well-Known Member
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I use the same basic recipe for both tuna and bacon, here’s the recipe, I just fry three or four slices of bacon and add for the bacon one and no parsley.
Edit to add, they are good hot or cold!
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Thank you. I only have muffin tins currently, so may get some cupcake tins at the weekend.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@MissMuffett I always make my Ragu or chilli the day before using either 400g steak mince or 500g for chilli which makes two generous portions for Mr P, one to freeze, and smaller portion for moi. I used a 400g can good quality chopped toms and rinse out the can with a third or so can water. When it cools I find it thickens naturally and the flavours mingle and the next day I heat it very slowly.
So yesterday usual brekkie of slice LC toast, cooled with good butter, copious tea. Lunch was out at Cotes and since I was treating my elderly friend we both had starter & mains. Mine was a small salmon fishcake followed by a really tasty chicken escallope with a creamy thyme and mushroom sauce a few skinny chips. Pot of tea. Three hours later my BG was 5.7 so happy with that.
Evening just had a small portion of the innards and side pastry from Mr P’s chicken & ham pie and a spoon of peas. All child size portion.
Today same brekkie.
Lunch will be some cheese from a selection in my Tupperware box (it keeps cheese fresh for longer, good investment) spoon coleslaw and a tomato.
Supper will be my fave chunky cod fingers and roasted veg.


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Diet only
Break fast - 90g salted peanuts, white pumpkin juice, 2 cups of almond milk coffee
Lunch - Brocoli -spinach soup, salad, ridge gourd fry, 2 egg white fry, 30g peanuts
Dinner - 1 slice of lc bread with egg white, white pumkin juice, soup, cabbage fry, ridge gourd fry.
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-01 at 8.09.10 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-01 at 8.09.11 PM.jpeg


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast kefir then fried a couple of baby tomatoes, one slice of bacon and one egg served on one slice of LC toast
Lunch added some Apple cider vinegar to my kimchi and had with four LC seeded crackers and a couple of bits of cheese - comte and stilton followed by a few squares of 100% chocolate
Dinner a generous portion of Lincolnshire Savoy cabbage with a mushroom sauce and pork saltimboca also had small glass of red wine
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For pudding warmed up a LC pecan butterscotch Blondie and served with a few spoons of yoghurt.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Black coffee then late breakfast of prawns and smoked salmon that I’d picked up earlier on the reduced aisle
Went to visit youngest daughter who is another one incapacitated with a bad back currently. She’s a carer so we assumed it was the lifting but osteopath said it’s more likely the 20+ times a day she is getting in and out of her car, and doing it all wrong. She should get in like a 1960s model - sitting down first then swinging legs in. I took her lunch of her favourite soup: https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/ethiopian-spicy-doro-wat-soup
Dinner was smoked haddock baked ( airfried) in a sauce made with sauteed red onion, red pepper, mushrooms spinach thyme, paprika and coriander, sour cream and cheese. Paul isn’t much given to superlatives but he pronounced it ‘exceptional’.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The gym was pretty much hell, missing two once a week lessons apparently makes a big difference.
But the cold swim afterwards was absolute heaven, I feel better than I have felt in weeks! :happy:
Afraid I fell behind this week and have only just caught up with the many interesting posts on this busy thread.

Sending virtual hugs @Antje77 for all the stress. At least you're getting these annual medicals over together, all being well, for another 12 months.

If memory serves, there was one last appointment today. If so, this time tomorrow the agony will be over for another year and you can concentrate on enjoying a good square meal for supper.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I can't really call it a proper meal, but some effort was put into it and it featured veggies as well, so I'd say it counts. :joyful:
A low carb wrap with cheese and a couple of rashers of very thin bacon, fried before putting them on the wrap. Put into microwave to melt the cheese, and added a generous portion of raw endive before rolling up.
I dipped in a spicy mayo based sauce, not bad at all!

Car now works fine again, provided you turn on the ceiling light or it won't start and your dashboard and blinkers won't work. No problem as long as the ceiling light is on. :hilarious: )
Sounds like faulty connections in your car's electrics. A similar episode happened to a friend of mine. If she switched on the ceiling light, the car boot opened up and the windscreen wipers sprang into action.

It's all good fun.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Odd day today. Rushing as usual to get out in time to get my legs bandaged so I just had a few wafer thin slices of ham so that I could take my antibiotic. Cup of hot water, then a cup of black coffee.

Since then one cup of coffee and one cup of tea (had that with Em when she came in from school).

BG has remained at 8 and above all day though.

Didn't get a chance to eat before the surveyors for our conversion to air source and solar panels arrived. When they left, I said to Neil that we would have to start emptying the loft soon because it will need to be clear. So "Right," says he. "I'll make a start and Em can help me". Off they went to hunt to see what could be thrown out. They found an electric grill and a deep fat fryer which I didn't know I had (I had already given away one deep fat fryer and a couple of grills a couple of years ago). They also found 4 boxes of paperwork and I needed to sort through them to see what could be just put into the recycling, what would have to be burned and what would have to go into the bin. That's taken me until just before 1830.

I think I will now go and cook a couple of sausages with some quick vegetable dish - maybe tomato grilled alongside the sausages. Got to be quick or I won't bother.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs with a knob of butter, avocado and three crevettes, all seasoned with black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Mushroom and spinach frittata made with eggs, Cheddar cheese, onion, double cream and thyme.
Vegetable tray bake using broccoli, cauliflower, sweet red peppers and onions.
Skipped pudding.
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, king prawns, baby plum toms, celery, Halkidiki olives and salad onions dressed with home-made mayonnaise for dipping, topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to swallow tablets.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Corned Beef and tomato
Yogurt (too much)
Smoked salmon cheese and tomato


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: cheese and mushroom omelette.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It looked very colourful. I tried avocado once, smashed (bought that way) on toast. And I thought it was disgusting. But I've had a couple of whole avocados lately, and really liked them. Though I'm not quite sure what to do with them.
My favorite is avocado, prawns and a Marie Rose sauce. Many different recipes for Marie Rose. Mine is a mix of mayo, squeeze of tomato puree, touch of double cream, small dash of brandy, a drop or so of tabasco and paprika. It's a case of tasting it as you go.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
My favorite is avocado, prawns and a Marie Rose sauce. Many different recipes for Marie Rose. Mine is a mix of mayo, squeeze of tomato puree, touch of double cream, small dash of brandy, a drop or so of tobacco and paprika. It's a case of tasting it as you go.
Gave it a like despite the tobacco, which I really don't like. Unlike our goats - they used to love my Dad smoking his pipe and kept trying to steal it from him as a titbit. Tabasco, on the other hand would be great.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Gave it a like despite the tobacco, which I really don't like. Unlike our goats - they used to love my Dad smoking his pipe and kept trying to steal it from him as a titbit. Tabasco, on the other hand would be great.
I have a feeling my autocorrect has done this before! My brain is addled with moving furniture about, getting tax returns completed on time for DIL, still running about daft, attending school meeting to bat for grandson's course selections, and generally try to restore order in atrocious weather.


Retired Moderator
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Afraid I fell behind this week and have only just caught up with the many interesting posts on this busy thread.

Sending virtual hugs @Antje77 for all the stress. At least you're getting these annual medicals over together, all being well, for another 12 months.

If memory serves, there was one last appointment today. If so, this time tomorrow the agony will be over for another year and you can concentrate on enjoying a good square meal for supper.
Today was the last of it, an appointment with the GP who initially wanted me to have the MRI a while back, to talk over the hernia and what else to do about the lower back pain now there are no signs of inflammation and the rheumatologist has referred me back to the GP.
Only the second time I saw this GP (the owners of the practice aren't very nice people so the good ones don't stick around and you always see a new GP there).

This one happens to be absolutely brilliant, hope he'll stay!
We decided there's not much to be done about it at the moment, and he still managed to have me leave feeling very good about this, no mean feat! :hilarious:

After going through the results and both our thoughts on that, we spent almost half an hour talking about all kinds of stuff, ranging from what types of patients he likes best to work with and what a good HCP is from my pov, to insulin management (and how HCP's should empower patients to be confident in working it out themselves and making bold decisions, working with them, not for them), cold water swimming, and some other stuff.
We both felt we would have talked longer if not for the waiting room, and he thanked me for the enjoyable conversation being a welcome break in his day.
I will see a physio to see if something is to be gained there.

After the appointment I went for a quick swim with my friend, and upon getting home I finally found the courage to cook a proper meal again. :joyful:
Only to find that the cauliflower I had thawed two days ago but didn't use had gone off. :mad:

And still found the courage to improvise a meal! You're right @LivingLightly the relief of having those appointments over seems to have freed a lot of space in my head. :joyful: Plus it was a beautiful spring like day, which helps as well.

A large salad of endive, half a bloody onion (no expletive, cut my thumb and only noticed I was leaking when it was too late), cucumber, two boiled eggs and two thin rashers of bacon, with 3 fishfingers, stolen from my neighbour. :hungry:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Today was the last of it, an appointment with the GP who initially wanted me to have the MRI a while back, to talk over the hernia and what else to do about the lower back pain now there are no signs of inflammation and the rheumatologist has referred me back to the GP.
Only the second time I saw this GP (the owners of the practice aren't very nice people so the good ones don't stick around and you always see a new GP there).

This one happens to be absolutely brilliant, hope he'll stay!
We decided there's not much to be done about it at the moment, and he still managed to have me leave feeling very good about this, no mean feat! :hilarious:

After going through the results and both our thoughts on that, we spent almost half an hour talking about all kinds of stuff, ranging from what types of patients he likes best to work with and what a good HCP is from my pov, to insulin management (and how HCP's should empower patients to be confident in working it out themselves and making bold decisions, working with them, not for them), cold water swimming, and some other stuff.
We both felt we would have talked longer if not for the waiting room, and he thanked me for the enjoyable conversation being a welcome break in his day.
I will see a physio to see if something is to be gained there.

After the appointment I went for a quick swim with my friend, and upon getting home I finally found the courage to cook a proper meal again. :joyful:
Only to find that the cauliflower I had thawed two days ago but didn't use had gone off. :mad:

And still found the courage to improvise a meal! You're right @LivingLightly the relief of having those appointments over seems to have freed a lot of space in my head. :joyful: Plus it was a beautiful spring like day, which helps as well.

A large salad of endive, half a bloody onion (no expletive, cut my thumb and only noticed I was leaking when it was too late), cucumber, two boiled eggs and two thin rashers of bacon, with 3 fishfingers, stolen from my neighbour. :hungry:
Glad all your stressors are past now, Antje and that you are already feeling the benefit. Hope our recent storm doesn't head in your direction to make you feel low again. Bright, spring-like weather is always good for the spirit. :joyful: