What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with blood tests
I'm hoping the fact that the nurse struck gold first time with my elusive veins and got two tubes in the blink of an eye was a good omen

I don't give my blood up readily and have had as many as 11 punctures in the past. I had drunk gallons of water which apparently makes it easier - the side effect of which (rather obviously) was not being able to do much shopping before I needed the loo


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
@Goonergal hope Pilates goes well. I’m struggling to do much exercise with mum here as she can’t walk very far or fast. Did manage to get a film on for her this afternoon so I could do a quick energetic walk and she’s now on her emmerdale and coronation street bonanza at moment so off to do mindfulness once done this entry.
Breakfast one slice bacon, egg and small spoon reduced sugar beans
Lunch 2 herby crackers, cheese and celery followed by advent calendar chocky
Dinner chicken salad followed by lc lemon and lime mousse just having coffee and small bit choc.
Work did at weekend was signed off today so that’s good - hopefully no more work this year! Pressies now all done and wrapped and shopping lists getting there lots to do still but will get there. Hope everyone else managing to get everything done. I’m planning to do cheese scones again tomorrow and soup but hoping to do a double batch tomorrow and freeze one batch for Christmas Eve.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: Tea -
Dockey : Cocoa; latte
Lunch : salad Mackerel in olive oil and 3 avocado
Afternoon: taramasalata and guacamole - 3 teaspoons each
Evening meal: Ox cheek, meaty bone, beef shin, mushroom and mace casserole with celeriac, swede and broccoli bubble and squeak; very small portion of panettone bread and butter pudding with cream (a dribble)
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all
Breakfast/ brunch: 2 streaky rashers, a fried egg and large mushroom

Afternoon snack of 3 herby crackers just out of the oven and about 30g cheddar.

D: ‘Roast’ chicken done in IP with sauteed cabbage and broccoli followed by 2 more of the herby crackers with camembert 2 glasses red.

@shelley262 those crackers are good!
@Kingmidas fingers crossed for your blood test results.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all.
No breakfast or lunch today, just 2 teas and a cappuccino.
Dinner was a huge bowl of chilli made with beef mince, onion, garlic, green chilli, red chilli, mushrooms, cumin, tin tomatoes and a squeeze of tomato purée and then what looked like half a block of cheese grated on top :) followed by 2 squares of green & blacks mint chocolate


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks @Goonergal , for the get well wish. I am treating myself to a duvet day or three, until I shake off the lurgy.
No breakfast or lunch, just lots of ginger tea, and coffee, and one cup of bone broth.
Dinner: remains of last night's chicken, with broccoli and a bit of stilton. Mineral water.
Continuing with ginger tea, slice of lemon, and then turmeric almond milk before bed, early.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bed 6.5 FBG 7.2. Developed a bit of a sore throat. Niggling a bit but hoping it doesn't get worse.
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Lunch with the Aqua Ladies - 50 of us there. Really nice to see everyone again. Have to say the hotel did well adjusting things. Morag next to me is coeliac so we were joking the strange people are served last. Prawn cocktail to start, Turkey with GF chipolatos and stuffing. Carrot, sugar snaps and sprouts. Everyone wanted my dessert - a mix of strawberries and raspberries with piped whipped cream. It was a very long lunch but mainly chatting.
D. Made a lo dough pizza much later.

Hubby got blessed with picking up the boys from school and I just had to take them home when I got back so it was a nice restful day. He got most of the wrapping done too!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm hoping the fact that the nurse struck gold first time with my elusive veins and got two tubes in the blink of an eye was a good omen

I don't give my blood up readily and have had as many as 11 punctures in the past. I had drunk gallons of water which apparently makes it easier - the side effect of which (rather obviously) was not being able to do much shopping before I needed the loo
I suffer from that too. There's only one nurse that seems to strike gold with me - the others have to go vein diving. Ours are only allowed 3 attempts then you have to go and return another day. I got so bad they used the paediatric butterfly in the back of the hand to draw blood.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
planning to do cheese scones again tomorrow.

Want to try those too - feel a baking day coming on later this week: finish work on Wednesday so a couple of days before heading to my dads.

Hi all
@Goonergal hope Pilates goes well. I’m struggling to do much exercise with mum here as she can’t walk very far or fast.

Thanks. Got my two lowest readings of the day pre Pilates (which was also the 2 hour post dinner mark) and then lower still post Pilates so it did it’s job. Know what you mean about exercise. At my dads I get my walk in early in the morning before he’s up or when he’s having an afternoon nap!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I suffer from that too. There's only one nurse that seems to strike gold with me - the others have to go vein diving. Ours are only allowed 3 attempts then you have to go and return another day. I got so bad they used the paediatric butterfly in the back of the hand to draw blood.

Gosh, I feel forr you guys with the shy veins. Mine are like the Channel Tunnel. I swear the phlebotomist could throw the vacuvial frrom about 10m, and still strike gold.

They're a bit like this.....

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Deleted member 308541

Mine are like the Channel Tunnel. I swear the phlebotomist could throw the vacuvial frrom about 10m, and still strike gold.

They're a bit like this.....
My crazy mother had varicose veins like that on her legs.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: cold roast chicken and pistachios with cauliflower and broccoli salad followed by Greek yoghurt and raspberries.
Mid afternoon: Peanut Phd bar and sugar free squash on the M25 car park!
Dinner: cheese omelette with cauliflower and broccoli salad followed by SF jelly, chia pudding and LC chocolate granola.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning, all. What a bunch of prolific posters -- I have to say it took me quite some time to get through all the posts.

@Emma_369 -- Happy to see that you've been able to eat something. Hope you get better soon.
@Pipp -- Hugs. Hope you get nip the cold in the bud.
@Goonergal -- 28000 steps, wow. Hope work slows down a bit for you this week.
@Kingmidas -- Keeping fingers crossed for your blood test.
@Tori77 -- Could you ask your GP to do a Vit B12 blood test to find out if it's a concern?

Yesterday ...

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with erythritol. Bouillabaisse. Two chicken thighs (marinated in soy sauce, garlic and cinnamon -- a recipe from my Chinese friend) and then baked.

Lunch: Nothing.

Snack: One and half squares of chocolate, two pecans.

Dinner: Another two chicken thighs, a quarter of a low-carb flatbread with goat cream cheese and smoked salmon, a piece of manchego cheese and one glass of red wine.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Bfast: had run out of pre-boiled eggs, so: 1/2 avocado, 1/2 tin unsalted sardines, coffee with soymilk and cream.
Lunch: 4 tall celery stalks, a few cherry tomatoes the colorful kind, +/- 1/3 cup sliced almonds, and the last small bit of my “flalmax” bread. Time to try some changes on second loaf!
Supper in two installments: 3-ish cups spinach, cooked with olive oil and 4 egg whites. Went to work. 8:45 (late) a handful of unsalted mixed nuts for the med that needs “a large meal with protein and fat” to be most effective.
Walked 2 miles faster than usual after that.
Off to bed zzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Strange couple of days with eating to match.
Yesterday my mum was very under the weather and we thought she was probably brewing a UTI so we called GP ii. The Gp at first thought she’d had another stroke, and called an ambulance, but after taking a urine sample agreedcwith us that it was UTI and he cancelled the ambulance and prescribed anribiotics. Within 10 mins of taking the frat dose, my mum had an allergic type reaction to the antibiotic, which the hospital doctors think had interacted badly with another of her meds
Much of yesterday was taken up with things around those events so food took rather a backseat, and my menu consisted of
1 bowl of heba pap porridge, some smoked salmon, 1 Adonis cocoanu bar and a couple of soya milk cappuccinos for a grand total of 552 cals 12g carbs, 21g fibre

As I may well have to go up to mums once shes out of hospital, I had to bring my fasting blood tests forward ( Diabetic review beginning of Jan) so went to bd hungry and a little low ( for a gliclazide user) - 4 6 , woke up several times hungry but not hypo and 4.5 this morning - fine but too low to drive to hospital so had to take the bus only to find Id left the forms at home so had to go back( luckily hospital is v near)
Todays menu so far has been a case of “grab what seems ok” so over the last couple of hours has involved amoked salmon, smoked almons, dark chocolate, blacberries, coconut yogurt and some grilled artichokes - not together and nothing resembling a meal, but at least Im not starving hungry anymore
The most annoying bit is that even having eaten nothing and taken my meds before going for the blood tests, my nice 4.5 had changed into a not so nice 6.6 by the time I had the blood draw done


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Strange couple of days with eating to match.
Yesterday my mum was very under the weather and we thought she was probably brewing a UTI so we called GP ii. The Gp at first thought she’d had another stroke, and called an ambulance, but after taking a urine sample agreedcwith us that it was UTI and he cancelled the ambulance and prescribed anribiotics. Within 10 mins of taking the frat dose, my mum had an allergic type reaction to the antibiotic, which the hospital doctors think had interacted badly with another of her meds
Much of yesterday was taken up with things around those events so food took rather a backseat, and my menu consisted of
1 bowl of heba pap porridge, some smoked salmon, 1 Adonis cocoanu bar and a couple of soya milk cappuccinos for a grand total of 552 cals 12g carbs, 21g fibre

As I may well have to go up to mums once shes out of hospital, I had to bring my fasting blood tests forward ( Diabetic review beginning of Jan) so went to bd hungry and a little low ( for a gliclazide user) - 4 6 , woke up several times hungry but not hypo and 4.5 this morning - fine but too low to drive to hospital so had to take the bus only to find Id left the forms at home so had to go back( luckily hospital is v near)
Todays menu so far has been a case of “grab what seems ok” so over the last couple of hours has involved amoked salmon, smoked almons, dark chocolate, blacberries, coconut yogurt and some grilled artichokes - not together and nothing resembling a meal, but at least Im not starving hungry anymore
The most annoying bit is that even having eaten nothing and taken my meds before going for the blood tests, my nice 4.5 had changed into a not so nice 6.6 by the time I had the blood draw done
So sorry to hear about you mother's problems. Hope she is soon in a better place and your results are where you want them to be.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
cold weather
Strange couple of days with eating to match.
Yesterday my mum was very under the weather and we thought she was probably brewing a UTI so we called GP ii. The Gp at first thought she’d had another stroke, and called an ambulance, but after taking a urine sample agreedcwith us that it was UTI and he cancelled the ambulance and prescribed anribiotics. Within 10 mins of taking the frat dose, my mum had an allergic type reaction to the antibiotic, which the hospital doctors think had interacted badly with another of her meds
Much of yesterday was taken up with things around those events so food took rather a backseat, and my menu consisted of
1 bowl of heba pap porridge, some smoked salmon, 1 Adonis cocoanu bar and a couple of soya milk cappuccinos for a grand total of 552 cals 12g carbs, 21g fibre

As I may well have to go up to mums once shes out of hospital, I had to bring my fasting blood tests forward ( Diabetic review beginning of Jan) so went to bd hungry and a little low ( for a gliclazide user) - 4 6 , woke up several times hungry but not hypo and 4.5 this morning - fine but too low to drive to hospital so had to take the bus only to find Id left the forms at home so had to go back( luckily hospital is v near)
Todays menu so far has been a case of “grab what seems ok” so over the last couple of hours has involved amoked salmon, smoked almons, dark chocolate, blacberries, coconut yogurt and some grilled artichokes - not together and nothing resembling a meal, but at least Im not starving hungry anymore
The most annoying bit is that even having eaten nothing and taken my meds before going for the blood tests, my nice 4.5 had changed into a not so nice 6.6 by the time I had the blood draw done
Hi @Boo1979, hope you're mum's doing OK. You are doing brilliantly.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all.

@Boo1979 hope your mum feels better soon.

Eaten way too much today. A couple of cream cheese brownie squares for elevenses. Lunch was a small portion of smoked salmon and cream cheese followed by a single serve pack of almond butter mixed with extra thick double cream. Very late dessert of half a piece of lemon zucchini cake with a small amount of cream. Early dinner of doner kebab (no bread) with onion and white cabbage. And nuts. And more nuts - bought them for colleagues and ate most of them myself!!