What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Diet only
All out of sync today as had visitors mid afternoon. Brother in law and family who we hadn't seen since early January. Was so hard not to hug them all.
We all went for a stroll then had picnic bits in our holiday let garden. Loads of bad stuff available but I was quite good.
Had a few small sausages , some cheese, olives and carrot and cucumber sticks. Had strawberries (too many) and clotted cream. The others all had scones and apple pies

Just had the same again as supper.
At some point midmorning there was a bowl of yoghurt, strawberries and seeds.

Probably far too many strawberries for one day, but im not testing today. I was too disappointed by yesterday's results and I wanted to enjoy today.
I still can't get my head around the fact that something healthy like fruit can be so bad.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
My 15 year old neighbour is like that. Seems to thrive on pizza and sandwiches at the moment. His parents have decided they'll see it as a phase for now and save the fights for more important things.
After all, the world is full of healthy adults who have lived on mac and cheese and pizza for a couple of years.

I think you’re right. It does make me uncomfortable though, seeing each meal is almost entirely carbs and almost always beige. I long to pop a bit of colour on her plate but I’m not her mum, I can only hope it’s just a phase. She does eat fish ( so technically a pescatarian) so I tend to make a fish meal a couple of times a week - I know she’d rather have a fish finger sandwich though.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
Bit of a rest day today I had a lower back twinge overnight at back of my hip from where my rucksack was bashing me on our hike - it’s an old non padded low slung one so new one needed will use my birthday money for - as water and flasks of coffee essentials for walks! Twinge had gone after overnight rest, so ok but good excuse to have a rest day on what has been a bit of a mizzy day weatherwise but which had bright spots too an hours coffee friends meet up in a friend’s conservatory and some gardening in a dry hour. I’m also trying to do high intensity exercises daily instead of breakfast but a rest day was declared - back to it tomorrow! I’m completely fine and fit and have been all day - so no excuses in the am!
Lunch bacon, egg and a few walnuts
Mid pm DGF salted caramel brownie
Dinner roast chicken, roast celeriac, braised celery and asparagus with glass dry white wine followed by DGF raspberry bakewell and a few garden berries with yoghurt.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Playmates, has anyone heard anything of or from @Tipetoo recently? I know a few weeks ago he wasn't so good and was in dry dock. I was just hoping someone might have some more up to date (and hopefully, better) news.


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Good evening everyone.
Breakfast/ brunch today was eggs and bacon and a slice of Gouda
Mid afternoon about 15 g Montezuma’s black.
Dinner https://wonkywonderful.com/slow-cooker-pork-tenderloin/ the fresh blackberry sauce with this was absolutely brilliant. Tart and fruity and the perfect accompaniment to the plain pork. It’d go well with game too I reckon. 7g carbs per serving but I didn’t have a whole amount. It was so flavoursome a couple of spoonful was enough.
Followed it with DGF choc orange brownie and cream.

Hi there - Did you IP or IP slow cook the pork?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee
Late morning: black coffee and raspberry phd bar.
Late Lunch: Babybels followed by Greek yoghurt, blackberries and LC chocolate granola.
Dinner: roast chicken, one tiny roast potato and mixed veg with a drop of gravy (hubby cooked, pre op day treat so I couldn’t be bothered to make my usual gravy of meat juices thickened with flax) followed by DGF lemon and blueberry drizzle and cream.

I’ll post tomorrow’s food now as I can predict most of it!
Breakfast: none as I’ll be fasting for surgery!
Lunch if I’m out of surgery: I’ll refuse a high carb hospital lunch of sandwiches with fruit juice followed by fruit crumble and custard or similar! And then I’ll resort to assorted low carb snacks which I’ll take with me!
Dinner if I’m home, will be gammon steak and veggies followed by another DGF delight with cream!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee
Late morning: black coffee and raspberry phd bar.
Late Lunch: Babybels followed by Greek yoghurt, blackberries and LC chocolate granola.
Dinner: roast chicken, one tiny roast potato and mixed veg with a drop of gravy (hubby cooked, pre op day treat so I couldn’t be bothered to make my usual gravy of meat juices thickened with flax) followed by DGF lemon and blueberry drizzle and cream.

I’ll post tomorrow’s food now as I can predict most of it!
Breakfast: none as I’ll be fasting for surgery!
Lunch if I’m out of surgery: I’ll refuse a high carb hospital lunch of sandwiches with fruit juice followed by fruit crumble and custard or similar! And then I’ll resort to assorted low carb snacks which I’ll take with me!
Dinner if I’m home, will be gammon steak and veggies followed by another DGF delight with cream!
Good luck tomorrow, @Rachox
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Retired Moderator
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Evenin’ All!

Hope the surgery goes well tomorrow, and you are home safe and sound, by evening, @Rachox

today I was on the road, so
B: a fortifying combo of sausage and scram egg dusted with steak seasoning
L: my first encounter with post-COVID motorway services. Happy with loo situation, got ticked off by cleaner for wandering wrong way round one way system and nearly heading into the staff zone (hilarious!), did battle with the new Macdonalds order/wait/one way system, and ate a double quarterpounder with cheese, no bun, back in the car.
S: hm lc hc in stb (thats a home made, low carb, hot choc in my sexy rose gold thermal bottle)
D: lamb shoulder

3 proper meals in one day. Am feeling rather stuffed.

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Hello and welcome to @Muddling Through
@Rachox I hope all goes well for you tomorrow and you have a speedy recovery

Brunch - f/f greek yoghurt with mixed berries with the last of the extra thick double cream (not so thick now) drizzled over the top.

Dinner - Chicken drumsticks and garlic mayo with a large salad from everything from pickled egg to olives thrown in and grated cheese over the top.

First taste of Montenzuma's 100% dark mint chocolate (very nice) with a cup of earl grey and double cream (fridge re-stocked).

Usual walk tonight with hubby to loch - just as well he is as keen/actually more keen than me to keep active/fit.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Rachox - good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well. @zauberflote - the rice paper prawns were very delicious just not what I expected. They were huge as well. It took a lot of willpower to remove a lot of the rice paper but I knew it would be too much for the BGs. I must try and work it out for myself. @Mrs T 123 - they're exhausting! During term time I pick up the grandsons and take them to school then collect them later. I feed them some nights too. They're at the stage the younger one likes to annoy his elder brother so you can be referee a lot of the time! One day they'll get on all the time.
Yesterday - bed 7.4 FBG 6.9
B. TAG and a slice of LC toast with ox tongue and coleslaw.
L. Nothing
D. Chicken breast with a chimichurri sauce and veggie chips. 2 squares of Godiva (I still have 2 bars )


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
She is a bit of a handful, but so sweet with it. Yesterday, one of the games was "sitting down basketball". Well, I sat down and Em did all the running around, chasing the ball. The idea is, one or other holds a plastic bucket above shoulder height while the other shoots with the football sized ball. The bucket is just big enough for the ball to fit into. I don't have to use my legs, but it is very tiring holding the bucket up in the air. TBH I prefer sitting down football.

She came in this morning with a letter she had received "from the tooth fairy", stamped and franked (dad is a postman), apologising for not leaving her £2 (!) under her pillow because of the covid restrictions. I'm not convinced that she believes in the tooth fairy, or rather she lets her parents think she believes in it, so that she continues to be paid for lost teeth. I notice that her reading is not as good as it was before the lockdown (the letter, written by her mum, contained several complicated words that she should be able to read, but she struggled with).

FBG 9.8. 2 fish fingers for breakfast. Tea.

Lunch will be roasted vegetables, left from 2 days ago.

I took some previously cooked steak and kidney out of the freezer yesterday, so will need to use that for tonight's meal - may put a chaffle type top on it.
Our two Grandsons also got the tooth fairy letters to explain the Covid restrictions . They did get their tooth payment a couple of days later.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Playmates, has anyone heard anything of or from @Tipetoo recently? I know a few weeks ago he wasn't so good and was in dry dock. I was just hoping someone might have some more up to date (and hopefully, better) news.
Nothing I'm afraid. Don't know if @ianpspurs knows anything. Might be worth asking?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Welcome @Muddling Through. You'll get lots of ideas here. @Goonergal & @DCUKMod - that little tray does fit the Lidl air fryer but you can only put it on the bottom. The rails for the rotisserie & kebabs get in the way on shelf 1 & 2. Shelf 3 puts it too close to the element. Works fine in the bottom though - I used it today. @Brunneria & @Chook - hope you don't have to wait too long for results.
Today Sunday
Bed 7 FBG 6
B. TAG and a slice of LC toast with ox tongue and whipped cheese.
L. Nothing
D. Rack of lamb with mint sauce, broad beans, asparagus and cauli rice fritters (needs work - they'll benefit from more onion and maybe curry powder).

@zauberflote - so good you're back. Your cheeriness is infectious!


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Chook good luck with the super-long cotton swab. The test I had went up the nostril, and didn't stop until it had swabbed my brain thoroughly I hope you get your results back very quickly.
@Annb I don't think my kids ever believed in the tooth fairy, but we did have to write a few of those notes to accompany payment the next night. Has the price of a regular tooth inflated that much in 20 or so years??!! Gracious! That's a shame about the reading. Teachers here will run into much of the same...DIL not looking forward to being a virtual teacher.
@DJC3 your food household sounds like a nightmare. I know, eating together is a valuable memory for them to have. I had only the kid who essentially ate PB&J sandwiches, coffee yogurt, and chocolate desserts from the time he was 18 months. He's 30 now and no different!
@shelley262 glad your back is fine! I liked your bright spots too.
@Rachox one last wish for best outcome and dinner at home! 30 years ago I told a hospital I ate vegetarian. They served me jello three times a day. Jello, here anyway, is NOT vegetarian...
Awww @maglil it feels good to be back, and maybe I can clean up my eating habits. I had better!

Bfast avocado, pecans/avo oil, boiled egg, 1+ Lindt, flax crisps/dilute soymilk
Lunch en famille grilled chicken marinated in (get this!) liquid amino acids from soy protein and distilled vinegar. It was delicious but extraordinarily dry and tough and I regret chewing it. Pecans, cherry tomatoes, <1 Lindt.
Supper wilted spinach/hm dressing, 2 boiled eggs/mayonnaise, flax crisps etc. Unfortunately all that chewing had damaged my right side jaw joint, which has been a "trick" joint since I was a teen. So it popped out and hasn't gone back to right yet. Can't close my bite on that side. Mushy foods in my future. I'm hoping that if I have a good practise session tomorrow, it will be coaxed into behaving. It's been acting up more since I too about 10 weeks off playing. So the face muscles weakened. Arrgh!
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Morning all. Forgot to post yesterday.

Welcome @Muddling Through . This is a great thread.

@Rachox hope all goes well today.
@maglil55 thanks for testing the baking tray. It’s still sitting on my Amazon ‘possibles’ list.
@zauberflote hugs for the jaw issue.

Fab day yesterday. Met up with some friends for a walk, which involved a 6.8 mile walk to get to the meeting spot! Then a meander around a park followed by lunch sitting outside at a pub. Lovely setting but I got ‘carbed’! Was assured that the chicken wings had nothing on them aside from salt and pepper but my Libre with its sharp rise and upward pointing arrow begged to differ! Jumped on the train home and just beat the rain.

Dinner was 2 pork belly strips salted and air fried. In between lunch and dinner some almond butter and double cream and 2 squares Lindt 90%.


Well-Known Member
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The term “new normal “
My post workout meal, ate it before it was fully cooked

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Muddling Through

Active Member
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Diet only
Morning all, thank you for the welcome :)

Not much planned for the day here, I'm on furlough from work, Mr MT has popped into work for a short time but it's mostly me and our daughter today.

Yesterday was excellent results according to the BG monitor,

B: Nothing
L: Mixed up plate of two boiled eggs, large handful of spinach, slice of smoked salmon and 5 olives. BG monitor barely moved.
D: Speedy Pizza as per the Fast800 cook book, but I had mine on large flat mushrooms as the 'base', with a large salad. I seem to have got off lightly there as the others had theirs on wholewheat pitta breads, but they've all be up in the night with upset stomachs .

Hope everyone has a good day.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Morning all, thank you for the welcome :)

Not much planned for the day here, I'm on furlough from work, Mr MT has popped into work for a short time but it's mostly me and our daughter today.

Yesterday was excellent results according to the BG monitor,

B: Nothing
L: Mixed up plate of two boiled eggs, large handful of spinach, slice of smoked salmon and 5 olives. BG monitor barely moved.
D: Speedy Pizza as per the Fast800 cook book, but I had mine on large flat mushrooms as the 'base', with a large salad. I seem to have got off lightly there as the others had theirs on wholewheat pitta breads, but they've all be up in the night with upset stomachs .

Hope everyone has a good day.
Your lunch is almost exactly my usual breakfast lol. Smoked salmon, kimchi and a few olives and a hard boiled egg or two. Your breakfast and my dinner are the same too lol
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