What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Breakfast 2 x boiled eggs with toast and lurpak light butter.
Lunch - Pork Pie and pickled onions.
First time posting here, looking at things need to get a low carb diet, and to exercise more, but not sure what foods actually are low in carbs but I still like !! having steak pie with chips and gravy for tea.
Need to exercise is I believe one of my main issues rather than necessarily overeating - If I can improve that im sure can reduce my h1ab2c back to a reasonable level again, had it under control for about 3 years up until covid striking and then fell back into bad habits and less exercise !!.
It's not necessarily overeating that puts BG up but eating even small amounts of the wrong kind of food for your body. In my case it is those foods which are carb heavy (bread, potatoes, rice, oats, pastry, root veg, sweet things, and it looks as though you do include a large amount in your meal) which can cause a rapid and long lasting rise in BG. I can eat my fill of lower carb foods with no adverse effect. You may be the same as me, or completely different. Exercise helps, if you can do it but all even a little effort to move on my part seems to make my liver decide to flood my system with glucose. What is right for you, is right for you but on this thread you will find lots of interesting ideas to try.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I meant to have breakfast today after my goat milk kefir and vitamins but suddenly it was 11:30 so made it lunch instead: Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and avocado.
The weather was so horrid I couldn’t persuade Dennis out for his afternoon walk so I did something I never do - put the tv on in the daytime! We curled up on the sofa and watched a new Netflix series while I had a low carb cinnamon donut and coffee and he had a chew toy.
Dinner was a pork curry. Stirred in some baby spinach at the end. Choc chia pudding to follow, made with some of the leftover coconut cream from the curry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast 2 x boiled eggs with toast and lurpak light butter.
Lunch - Pork Pie and pickled onions.
First time posting here, looking at things need to get a low carb diet, and to exercise more, but not sure what foods actually are low in carbs but I still like !! having steak pie with chips and gravy for tea.
Need to exercise is I believe one of my main issues rather than necessarily overeating - If I can improve that im sure can reduce my h1ab2c back to a reasonable level again, had it under control for about 3 years up until covid striking and then fell back into bad habits and less exercise !!.
Evening @Adeace and welcome to this thread. We hope you find it useful.

Exercise is good for a body, as you realise, but when it comes to blood glucose levels, it's what you swallow that really matters. Most of us here couldn't handle pastry and potato chips for tea, but there are some pleasant alternatives should those prove too carb-heavy for you.

You successfully reduced your HbA1c in the past so, barring illness or injury, you can do it again that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all

Today, the eleventh day of Christmas:

B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and three crevettes all seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablets.

L: Walnut and mushroom nut roast made with onions, eggs and flax 'egg', garlic, stock and rosemary.
Steamed Brussels sprouts with toasted slivered almonds smothered with butter.
Carrots, onions and apple peel sautéed in butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D: Seafood salad made with king prawns and mussels, lettuce, Romano peppers, celery, baby plum tomatoes, Halkidiki olives and salad onions, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with toasted pistachios.
Water to swallow tablet.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: cheese and mushroom omelette.

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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mid morning small kefir and my supplements
Lunch same as yesterday kimchi with olives and celery with four low carb seeded crackers and a range of cheese.
Dinner slow cooked chicken served with cauliflower cheese ( my usual low carb version just a few florets with a dash of double cream and cheese oven cooked for 35 mins),
Met a good friend today who had been doing really well with low carb which had been helping her to reduce the amount of insulin she needed to manage her long term type 2 diabetes. She had a difficult holiday where she really fell off the wagon. Interestingly though she's keen to get back to it because not only have her blood glucose readings more than doubled but a lot of other health issues have come back that also went away with low carb eating. She's also now got thrush, digestive disorders, higher blood pressure and just feels '**** ' Interesting just how quickly things go back when you go back to high carb eating however, thankfully, she's already improving after a few days of getting back to it. Some hope for others that you can improve things by managing your carb intake.
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Retired Moderator
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I really need to start cooking properly again, I keep finding excuses for one more day of low carb crackers/bread
I almost managed to eat a proper meal, but just before I arrived at that point, the road diverted and I ended up with crackers again instead, :banghead:

I made a nice cauliflower puree with a generous amount of Branston pickles mixed in, I thawed (is that the right word or should it be defrosted? What's the difference?) a container of Christmas leftover deer (or maybe roe) stew a friend gave me (again, is it still called deer when it's food or should I call it something else? Your language is harder with unusual foods! :hilarious: ), and then I got distracted by finishing my new couch and a side table and it was too late for proper food.

No problem, two crackers, one with a nice stinky Christmas cheese and one with egg mayo (store bought) did the job. A chicory head with hummus will be eaten later on to provide some vitamins. By now I sure hope there's a lot of vitamins in chicory, I've been depending on that for at least a week. :hilarious:

Tomorrow will be an adventure, and proper food will be had. :)
I'll be visiting a friend in the city of Groningen to see a concert, and I'll spend the night on her ship with my dogs. We'll share the cauliflower puree and the deer stew before the concert, and she'll add a salad as well. :joyful:
I'll also bring my swimming stuff, she lives on a sailing ship so I've got to try the water. :)

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@Antje77, I would say thawed or defrosted, then it's venison for any deer meat. Enjoy your concert & meal tomorrow, and your dip, the cold water kind.

Dinner tonight was ribeye steak with a trial of swede air fries that will be done again, they were nice. I also had some leftover pureed buttery, peppery swede & had that too. Followed by my last hm lc mince pie with cream.


Retired Moderator
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@Antje77, I would say thawed or defrosted, then it's venison for any deer meat. Enjoy your concert & meal tomorrow, and your dip, the cold water kind.
Thank you on both the linguistics and the friendly wishes for tomorrow!
I was almost certain that deer/roe had a different name when eaten but the Google wasn't helpful this time.
I like the word thawed better than defrosted so I'll stick to thawed (and wondering why it isn't thawn but not asking because this thread is about food and I still have that pesky retired mod badge urging me to not derail too much even at 2:30 am).

Your meal sounds lovely!


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After some disappointing results from a recent blood test (not that anyone has been in touch over it, just because I checked it myself, now that I can) I am going to have to try really hard to turn it around again. So for a little while I will be as close to carnivore as possible.

Breakfast is often OK so I'll stick with my bacon and eggs.

2nd meal will be smoked mackerel omelette.


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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
I am usually so good but last few days been a bit stressful. Including today.
Delivery problems of all sorts. Then went out and shopped else where and ate 2 none LC rolls and felt positively ill!(with turkey)
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Corned beef
Cheese and salami
B/S ok before the rolls but doubt they will be later


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thank you on both the linguistics and the friendly wishes for tomorrow!
I was almost certain that deer/roe had a different name when eaten but the Google wasn't helpful this time.
I like the word thawed better than defrosted so I'll stick to thawed (and wondering why it isn't thawn but not asking because this thread is about food and I still have that pesky retired mod badge urging me to not derail too much even at 2:30 am).

Your meal sounds lovely!
You're welcome, @Antje77! Languages are quite often difficult to translate like for like, I s'pose that's the joy of them. ;)

For dinner this evening I had an lc cheeseburger with your Branmayo, Antje77, that is now my go to for a burger. :happy:
Then 6 cherries as a treat.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all,

Today, Twelth Night

B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado, with a good grinding of black pepper and a wedge of Teifi.
Water to swallow tablet.
Double espresso.

L: Packed lunch made with leftover walnut and mushroom nut roast.
Chicory, Romano peppers, celery sticks and baby plum tomatoes with a dollop of home-made mayonnaise for dipping.
Prawns and brown shrimps.
Almonds and hazelnuts.
Water to drink.

Mid-afternoon: black filter coffee

D: Smoked salmon and cream cheese salad made with lettuce, celery, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions and Romano peppers, dressed with olive oil and a touch of lemon juice, topped with toasted pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@filly hope you feel better now, your experience with a non-lc roll is perhaps similar to that of @shelley262 ‘s friend who started eating carbs in holiday and suffered for it. It’s hard when there’s nothing else on offer though.
@Annb good luck with the near carnivore woe. It made a significant difference to my BGs when I tried it before Christmas.
Todays food:
B: 2eggs smoked salmon and avocado.
L- slices of cold roast beef with salad of rocket, red pepper, Stilton and pumpkin seeds. Choc chia pud to follow.
D- https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/keto-garlic-mushroom-chicken-thighs very easy and delicious.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I almost managed to eat a proper meal, but just before I arrived at that point, the road diverted and I ended up with crackers again instead, :banghead:

I made a nice cauliflower puree with a generous amount of Branston pickles mixed in, I thawed (is that the right word or should it be defrosted? What's the difference?) a container of Christmas leftover deer (or maybe roe) stew a friend gave me (again, is it still called deer when it's food or should I call it something else? Your language is harder with unusual foods! :hilarious: ), and then I got distracted by finishing my new couch and a side table and it was too late for proper food.

No problem, two crackers, one with a nice stinky Christmas cheese and one with egg mayo (store bought) did the job. A chicory head with hummus will be eaten later on to provide some vitamins. By now I sure hope there's a lot of vitamins in chicory, I've been depending on that for at least a week. :hilarious:

Tomorrow will be an adventure, and proper food will be had. :)
I'll be visiting a friend in the city of Groningen to see a concert, and I'll spend the night on her ship with my dogs. We'll share the cauliflower puree and the deer stew before the concert, and she'll add a salad as well. :joyful:
I'll also bring my swimming stuff, she lives on a sailing ship so I've got to try the water. :)

View attachment 65340
Enjoy your trip sounds like lots of fun. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. Love your bird plate too


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: chicken and coronation mayo on a LC roll with coleslaw.

2024-01-05 18.56.45.jpeg

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Happy New Year Peeps x

Brunch - 2 slices slc bread toasted and topped with roasted cheese and a little sprinkling of pepper. Washed down with half of a fudged up grenade bar and a mug of earl grey tea

Dinner - Large mushroom & onion omlette. 2 squares of 90% Lindtt dark chocolate. Large glass of pepsi maxi


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Annb feel for you with your blood tests it is so difficult getting everything balanced. Personally I find that my LDL cholesterol goes up more the closer to carnivore I go and although I'm not convinced that high LDL is necessarily bad for me as I have also low trigs and high HDL it's always tough when medics view it as bad. I also find carnivore difficult as I like veggies and fermented food. We all have to work out our best path that works for us. Do remember too that a lot of blood tests like cholesterol and some of the kidney related ones are not static but can go up and down for example I've found that the better hydrated I am in the days before my blood draw my blood is easier for them to take but also results often better generally!
Today's food
Mid am small kefir and supplements
Lunch smoked trout and kimchi
IMG_20240105_124657 (2024-01-05T19_27_09.000)_kindlephoto-10228405.jpg

Dinner more fish! Sea bream and green beans then low carb blondie. Also one of my hotel chocolat 70% truffles - still got some more left to try and ration!

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: chicken and coronation mayo on a LC roll with coleslaw.

View attachment 65363
Are you glad to see Lowcarbfood.co are back in business? I am, no other rolls I have tried come even close to how good theirs are. Yippeee! I really hope they have done a good job with your foot this time and it is getting better for you x