What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a bright, yet cold start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl in the bubble decided to treat us to an excited running commentary as a weather girl (can we still say that?) as the snow tap was turned on and off like a faulty B&W TV with a dodgy antenna. TLC for Marjorie today @lindisfel - I know you will. @SlimLizzy all the best with your journey. Another smashing cat-lamb @gennepher, don’t let the authorities know about your Dolly The Sheep experiments. Pre-International Bin Day today so we need to spruce up General Garden Bin and ensue a good position for tomorrows cavalcade. Art bit - something while I ponder the universe and what a terrible migraine must have been going on with the design team. Hope you all have a safe and sound day. I need to get some koffy on the go.

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Yes, I shall keep quiet bout my DoLily the Sheep experiments....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
9.8 at 3.30 am. 10.3 now, after 3 cups of tea. Insulin and breakfast, methinks.
Sat too long last night on Find My Past, following up hints to family names I'd never come across before. Very stiff at midnight, after sitting for 2 hours in front of the laptop. Very rich vein of information. Back to the 1600's on several lines, but then it fails because there are few parish records beyond that. Maybe see if there's anything on the mormon family history site (and sit for another 2 or 3 hours). I enjoy what I'm doing but my eyes aren't keen. Viscotears at the ready!
Yes, it is very addictive. I do the same. I am willing to carry on, but my eyes object as well...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you gennepher, we tend to forget we are over 80. I normally take her.
in to Carlisle when I am not on Zoom alternate Tuesdays.
We had to get shopping in this am and it is still bitter here until later today.
Hope your fall has not left too many after effects.
Best wishes
Thanks Derek. I think we all forget our true age...
I have recovered from the fall, except for my right wrist which is still a bit iffy. I was very lucky...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we write anymore, I would like to say thank you one and all for the best wishes etc. I do appreciate it.

Blood sugars this morning were a surprisingly 5.8.

Yesterday proved to me that the covid system works for people in my position. I registered my +ve test result and later that morning the covid ward phoned me to check on me and confirm my medication regimen, then later in the afternoon a clinician phoned confirming my medical history and medication. Then they explained the anti viral medication they could give me. Saying it would arrive later in the afternoon or early evening. It arrived by courier. One of the side effects they warned me about was its not wise to stray far from a toilet. They were right….

A couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle and the other asked if he could have my chain saw, my task which I have chosen to accept is to survive and keep my motorcycle and chain saw.

As I wrote yesterday Mrs J is still suffering and has taken to watching daytime television on the idiot box, one word dire, just dire.

This morning I got up feeling reasonably fine, pah 2 hours later I was back in bed and slept till 12:30 pm. Luckily I have cancelled my plinky plonky lesson and next week’s lesson is looking iffy. I also managed to avoid washing machine lessons.

Apologies for the long posting, but it’s either this or the idiot box.

Stay safe, stay warm.
I don't have the idiot box, got rid of that decades ago...
That Covid system you talk of seems to be very efficient for you. I am glad for you.
Caring friends you have...
You stay safe...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle
Darn ..snooze ya lose... :banghead:

Love the gallows humour, as I think you do.

Hugs for the toilet 'effects' of the meds and also the small set back requiring the extra sleep.

Clearly needed & we all know sleep is the best medicine.

And post away, my friend .
When you're down & ill the world gets a much smaller place.

So anything that helps unburden the load, go for it .

Best wishes you & Mrs J have the speediest of recoveries.


Good morning everyone from a bright, yet cold start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl in the bubble decided to treat us to an excited running commentary as a weather girl (can we still say that?) as the snow tap was turned on and off like a faulty B&W TV with a dodgy antenna. TLC for Marjorie today @lindisfel - I know you will. @SlimLizzy all the best with your journey. Another smashing cat-lamb @gennepher, don’t let the authorities know about your Dolly The Sheep experiments. Pre-International Bin Day today so we need to spruce up General Garden Bin and ensue a good position for tomorrows cavalcade. Art bit - something while I ponder the universe and what a terrible migraine must have been going on with the design team. Hope you all have a safe and sound day. I need to get some koffy on the go.

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Thanks dunelm, we've been getting sorted today for Friday, trying to remember if we have covered everything.

Your picture today carried interesting encapsulated memories of love and the working man in his bib and brace.


Morning all from a frosty but very sunny Little America - yeehaw. I forgot to install the new Swipey so no idea what fbg is but weekly weight recording done - 72kgs/160 lbs/11s 5p BMI 22.2 - meh. Rain, hail. sleet and frez up my ninny on the school run yesterday. One needs to be parked up waiting about 1 hr before first pickup and grandson is always 20 mins later than his sister so about 1.5 hrs in all. Also paid £2.40 for a small mug of tea at local Leisure centre whilst waiting for grandson at swimming :arghh: . Today should be sunny for the lucky dip of just which grandchild or children will need to be there - parents confused last evening. @gennepher thanks for that splendid sheep with sheltering cats. Good news on finding a new method for taking a screenshot. @lindisfel hug for Marjorie. @dunelm's splendid art (thanks) could have been yourself and Marjorie 61+ years ago in my mind. Good day to relive those golden memories. @alf_Josiah I hope the medicine came and Mrs A J is gradually recovering. @SlimLizzy I hope the journey goes as well as possible. Meanwhile, young Hunt has found the money down the back of a Treasury sofa to help with fuel bills until June. Imagine what good could be done were they to cancel HS2 and sell off the land that won't be used to name just one monumentally stupid idea. Have a great/good/passable/bearable in places day. Modern life is good(ish).
Thank you Ian, I don't know how we got to be this old it just seems to be like yesterday we met.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello from a drizzly start in Little America. Just taking fluids onboard before firing up the Venerable RR for a magical mystery tour of whatever so called roads deep, deep in the Real Fens ™ are available to deliver me for my Deeply Drippy session. @Krystyna23040 are dogs allowed in Aldi? :) @lindisfel and @RFSMarch glad my posts yesterday landed as I hoped. No school run today and while I'm being a drip shopping will be delivered. JKP scans all our purchases for Nielsen? which is quite a faff but very good for John Lewis vouchers. Rumour has it that venison casserole is on today's menu and no poaching from any of the numerous local estates needed. Austerity ii delivered with marginally less smugness than Ozzy but still a complete fantasy and a gratuitous kick in the nation's hoohahs. That said have a chune - lyrics. Best wishes for tomorrow (I think) Derek
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Hello from a drizzly start in Little America. Just taking fluids onboard before taking the Venerable RR on a magical mystery tour of whatever so called roads in the Real Fens ™ are available to deliver me for my Deeply Drippy session. @Krystyna23040 are dogs allowed in Aldi? :) @lindisfel and @RFSMarch glad my posts yesterday landed as I hoped. No school run today and while I'm being a drip shopping will be delivered. JKP scans all our purchases for Nielsen? which is quite a faff but very good for John Lewis vouchers. Rumour has it that venison casserole is on today's menu and no poaching from any of numerous local estates needed. Austerity ii delivered with less smugness than Ozzy but still a kick in the nation's hoohahs. That said have a chune - lyrics. Best wishes for tomorrow (I think) Derek
Thanks Ian, I think the op will be tomorrow pm.
No anti coagulants today and tomorrow and operation done under a local in pm.
Have to get to Freeman by 1030 hrs tomorrow.
I would prefer not to see them cutting the old pacemaker out, due to scar tissue around the old box and getting a new one plugged in again.
No doubt they will give me something to keep me calm plus something to stop me seeing any detail of op.
Then new one should last longer than the nine years of this one.
Best wishes for your therapy, Ian.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Ian, I think the op will be tomorrow pm.
No anti coagulants today and tomorrow and operation done under a local in pm.
Have to get to Freeman by 1030 hrs tomorrow.
I would prefer not to see them cutting the old pacemaker out, due to scar tissue around the old box and getting a new one plugged in again.
No doubt they will give me something to keep me calm plus something to stop me seeing any detail of op.
Then new one should last longer than the nine years of this one.
Best wishes for your therapy, Ian.
Thank you Derek. Thoughts and prayers with you and all the family, especially Marjorie.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
No Swipey this morning as it finished and I had a 7am (!) MRI scan this morning... that didn't stop me from trying to scan it this morning though.

So... Egyptian lodger has declined the £50 rent increase and will be leaving instead. All pretty amicable - he actually was going to ask me if I could reduce his rent by over half (and still include all bills) and that just is not at all feasible, especially seeing as he can sometimes be a bit careless with the gas, electric and water. We had a look on Spare Room as to whether he might be able to afford but this area is pretty expensive if he wants to stay in the area for his work at a local restaurant.

Did have to walk him through the whole Energy Cap and what it actually means as he was insisting that because it is staying the same, it means he shouldn't have to pay an increase. Thank heaven's for the amazing Martin Lewis and his excellent explainer. I showed him our gas and electric bills over the past few months and how much it will use when the winter subsidy ends this month, and he finally understood why I felt I needed to bring his rent up a little.

One of his mates had put into his mind that he would be better off in a house share with lower rent and paying bills on top - but honestly it might well be a struggle. But in a small way I am also quite relieved. Culturally there have been quite a few male-female challenges. He is just not used to independent females and has led to some interesting situations- I stopped making small talk with him for a while if our paths crossed in the kitchen because he would take every conversation as this old pathetic female asking his opinion, because obviously in my 53 years on the planet, I have not been able to make any decision for myself. He admitted he had called out with English girls on his course with this attitude, and the prospect of thoroughly cleaning the bathroom and toilet regularly was a revelation for him, so it has been a huge learning curve for him living here.

No denying money will be a bit tight for a month or so, and other lodger and I have agreed to vet newbies together to find someone who gels with both of us and our obsession with early evening general knowledge quiz shows... Think House of Games and Bridge of Lies ... we are so rock and roll, we are not sure we can find someone who can keep up!!! The good news is that the price I was looking to charge is very much cheaper than rooms that are available on Spare Room now so he was at least able to understand that the £50 was not so unreasonable.

So all in all - the best resolution to a tricky situation and... time to tighten the belt (good job I am losing inches each month) until a new person comes in.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from another day of bluster here in the dark and dangerous north. Still, it’s International Bin Day and the excitement is building. Brother in law is here already, working on the garage conversion. We are escaping into town. Got a call from hospital yesterday as they had a cancellation and could I go in at 1820 for a CT scan? Yes please matron! Art bit - another sketch. Hope your day is kind to you. Must finish my koffy and then off we go!



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good national bin day Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and blessed are those that are not subjected to vagaries of day time television, Mrs J subjected me, me’s and myself to it.

This morning a solid 5.8 on the meter of etc, etc.

Sorry @jjraak my motorcycle boot size is a British 8. Gallows humour indeed, only the best.
Good luck @lindisfel with up coming procedure.

Another day of rest is planned and ordained by Mrs J.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Yes, it is very addictive. I do the same. I am willing to carry on, but my eyes object as well...
Been using lots of Viscotears, but the effect only lasts for about 5 minutes and then my eyes are sore again. I might have to take a long break from the Family History stuff - it's becoming a bit too much of a strain.

BG at 2.30 am was 8.9 - rose by 6.30 to 10.5. 11.9 before breakfast. Using less bolus insulin and now, long after breakfast, it is 5.9.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from another day of bluster here in the dark and dangerous north. Still, it’s International Bin Day and the excitement is building. Brother in law is here already, working on the garage conversion. We are escaping into town. Got a call from hospital yesterday as they had a cancellation and could I go in at 1820 for a CT scan? Yes please matron! Art bit - another sketch. Hope your day is kind to you. Must finish my koffy and then off we go!

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Thanks for sharing the art and best wishes for both the CT scan - is that the one with piped music? - and the results.