What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen. Yep Full Stop.

A 6.2 for me this morning, I fueled up on mixed nuts last night so reading would be in the safe zone for driving to the doctors in a few minutes. Mrs J refuses to get out of her pit / lair this early to drive me.

Well folks enjoy your day, when I finally escape the clutches of the doctor's I have some studying to complete on pet recipes hehehehe.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Could it be equine flue? Confined to barracks for a few days.
Stay away from Newmarket. Not the horses, they are incredibly secure, but enough Range Rovers already (apparently other 4 x 4s are available) :angelic: Oh yes, hope you are soon better and Mrs Miggins doesn't geld ya while you are poorly:arghh:
Just in case I upset anyone:
#Who can tell how often they offend? ♦
O cleanse me from my secret faults!
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only

hi mate, i Did say i will be watching again and commenting later.

and now i REALLY do feel like i'm doing "BIOLOGY #101 " since i joined on here, with all the interesting and fascinating details of just how bits of us work

Yes, I found it hard going in places so mainly watched the pretty pictures.
His take home message:
1. Cut Carbs
2. Meticulously avoid linoleic acid.
3. Eat more at home.

Interesting that, in the USA at least, so I guess everyone else has followed suite, that from the 70’s we have been conned into eating more vegetable fats and more carbs instead of animal fats and very few carbs.

I like his suggestion that when we eat out, we have no idea what our food is cooked in. So a nice juicy steak might be cooked in some cheap vegetable oil.

His hypothesis, together with the Carb - Insulin hypothesis, that short chain fats like Linoeic Acid are messing with mitochondrion energy production and we end up lots of rubbish that just gets dumped and hangs around.
Also when looking at the FADH2/NADH ratios that effect the ATP production and the Kareb Cycle he shows that Palmitic acid found in meat, dairy, coconut oil has a ratio of 0.48, thus pumping out loads of good stuff.
Oleic acid found in olive oil, avocados, chees,eggs is 0.46 and he suggests that this is a bit iffy.
Palmitoleic acid found in oily fish, macadamians, is 0.45 and only has a small effect.
linoleum acid has 0.43 - no good
Glucose has 0.2 - a wrecking ball.
Although these fats are found in combinations in nearly all food stuff he is suggesting meat over any other foods for good energy and mitochondria production (you can do that with exercise also for making more mitochondria).
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Stay away from Newmarket. Not the horses, they are incredibly secure, but enough Range Rovers already (apparently other 4 x 4s are available) :angelic: Oh yes, hope you are soon better and Mrs Miggins doesn't geld ya while you are poorly:arghh:
Just incase Who can tell how often they offend? ♦
O cleanse me from my secret faults!
Yes, thanks for the tip. Newmarket sounds dangerously full of large vehicles, unskillfully handled by more hoi than poloi.
A psalm a day keeps the nutters at bay.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Happy Friday morning it may be wet but it’s friday although very sorry so many on this thread are under the weather today @PenguinMum yours sounds particularly vile.
@jjraak and @dunelm i do so love a video of a lecture about diabetes and related stuff I watched some excellent ones last evening from the jumpstart conference.
I’m also planning on going to the PHC conference in London in May some excellent speakers.
Bloods good 4.9
Friday ketones 1.1 so all in good range.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Yes, I found it hard going in places so mainly watched the pretty pictures.
His take home message:
1. Cut Carbs
2. Meticulously avoid linoleum a it.
3. Eat more at home.

Interesting that, in the USA at least, so I guess everyone else has followed suite, that from the 70’s we have been conned into eating more vegetable fats and more carbs instead of animal fats and very few carbs.

I like his suggestion that when we eat out, we have no idea what our food is cooked in. So a nice juicy steak might be cooked in some cheap vegetable oil.

His hypothesis, together with the Carb - Insulin hypothesis, that short chain fats like Linoeic Acid are messing with mitochondrion energy production and we end up lots of rubbish that just gets dumped and hangs around.
Also when looking at the FADH2/NADH ratios that effect the ATP production and the Kareb Cycle he shows that Palmitic acid found in meat, dairy, coconut oil has a ratio of 0.48, thus pumping out loads of good stuff.
Oleic acid found in olive oil, avocados, chees,eggs is 0.46 and he suggests that this is a bit iffy.
Palmitoleic acid found in oily fish, macadamians, is 0.45 and only has a small effect.
linoleum acid has 0.43 - no good
Glucose has 0.2 - a wrecking ball.
Although these fats are found in combinations in nearly all food stuff he is suggesting meat over any other foods for good energy and mitochondria production (you can do that with exercise also for making more mitochondria).

My brain hurts......


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Happy Friday morning it may be wet but it’s friday although very sorry so many on this tread are under the weather today @PenguinMum yours sounds particularly vile.
@jjraak and @dunelm i do so love a video of a lecture about diabetes and related stuff I watched some excellent ones last evening from the jumpstart conference.
I’m also planning on going to the PHC conference in London in May some excellent speakers.
Bloods good 4.9
Friday ketones 1.1 so all in good range.
The PHC conference looks very good. Wonder what they will be serving up at the dinner?


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The PHC conference looks very good. Wonder what they will be serving up at the dinner?
Gather meals are amazing and very low carb. I can’t afford to attend for the dinner just the actual conference but low carb lunches promised. @bulkbiker has attended previous years and said food is good.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The PHC conference looks very good. Wonder what they will be serving up at the dinner?
Quite funny as last year they served potato with the main course and Sam Feltham got up and apologised to everyone..!
In 2017 they had soya milk out as well as regular milk and cream so he did the same thing... hopefully this year the caterers will get it all correct!
I think the main last year for the dinner was bacon wrapped chicken breast.. cant remember the rest of the menu I was too starstruck with Tim Noakes being only 2 tables away!.. lunches are normally pretty good.. if a bit school dinner.. Queue for the hot stuff and help yourself to the rest kind of thing.