What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good morning, @Goonergal. Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes. You're up early today. Do you get up at this time of the day?

Morning. Yes, usually up this early. Normally more sleep, but late to bed too last night so not feeling too great. Happy birthday again!

Just had some tea with lactofree milk to try and perk me up. Feel some bacon and eggs coming on too.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning. Yes, usually up this early. Normally more sleep, but late to bed too last night so not feeling too great. Happy birthday again!

Just had some tea with lactofree milk to try and perk me up. Feel some bacon and eggs coming on too.

Will you go back to bed and catch a bit more snooze? Or will you have to get ready for work? Hugs for the lack of sleep and not feeling too great.

Have been up early too. Had a "nightmare" of going shoe shopping with my husband and him leaving me alone in the store to have fun elsewhere. Strange dream. Not even going to try interpret what this dream means.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all,

Finally back after the forum outage.

@Goonergal, @maglil55, @DJC3 and @shelley262 -- Thanks for sharing your experiences with increased hunger and your advice on how to deal with it. Have eaten a bit less the last two days, but still way more than a couple of months ago.
@maglil55 -- Congrats on the new TV and the kitchen gadgets. Hope you enjoy both. Also what is "TAG with ADOC"?
@Annb -- Really empathize with you on the day of mix-ups leading to so much leftover food and the spilled soup in the trunk.
@ianpspurs -- Hope the blisters disappear again. Why will it take so long to see a GP? (Sorry if the answer might be obvious, but I don't know much about the British healthcare system).
Re the Dr: Part exaggeration, part sarcasm but mainly where we are at here after 10 years of pretending 2008 didn't happen and giving our mates money will be good for everyone else. Belated happy birthday
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Hello all,

Finally back after the forum outage.

@Goonergal, @maglil55, @DJC3 and @shelley262 -- Thanks for sharing your experiences with increased hunger and your advice on how to deal with it. Have eaten a bit less the last two days, but still way more than a couple of months ago.
@maglil55 -- Congrats on the new TV and the kitchen gadgets. Hope you enjoy both. Also what is "TAG with ADOC"?
@Annb -- Really empathize with you on the day of mix-ups leading to so much leftover food and the spilled soup in the trunk.
@ianpspurs -- Hope the blisters disappear again. Why will it take so long to see a GP? (Sorry if the answer might be obvious, but I don't know much about the British healthcare system).

It can be very difficult at times to get an appointment to see GP under the British healthcare system. In difficult areas, it can take 2 or more weeks. Our own practice no longer gives appointments - everything is done by automated phone line on an on-the-day system (first come, first served). Just discovered that something similar applies to our diabetes clinic as well - automated phone and they will phone back, maybe up to 24 hours later, so wait by the phone whatever else you want to do.


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@Annb that soup nightmare sounds awful. The cleanup must have been terrible. Any milk in the soup? Spilled milk in car carpets is a special form of torture.


Cream and butter in the soup. The carpet from the boot is clean - Neil finally got it all off with strong detergent and hot water (from the shower) but now it has to be dried - currently blocking the doorway and the tumble dryer in the back porch. I don't think he has seen the funny side of it yet!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Birthday meal sounds great @ziggy_w especially with a bit of pudding too. Happy belated Birthday
Wow! The chicken crackling is really selling out quickly, I’m amazed.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello all,

Finally back after the forum outage.

@Goonergal, @maglil55, @DJC3 and @shelley262 -- Thanks for sharing your experiences with increased hunger and your advice on how to deal with it. Have eaten a bit less the last two days, but still way more than a couple of months ago.
@maglil55 -- Congrats on the new TV and the kitchen gadgets. Hope you enjoy both. Also what is "TAG with ADOC"?
@Annb -- Really empathize with you on the day of mix-ups leading to so much leftover food and the spilled soup in the trunk.
@ianpspurs -- Hope the blisters disappear again. Why will it take so long to see a GP? (Sorry if the answer might be obvious, but I don't know much about the British healthcare system).

Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream. I got fed up typing it and it's the same every morning.
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Decided to have lunch today - 2 boiled eggs, semi soft or semi hard, whichever you prefer to call it, chopped up. It was going to be egg mayonnaise but seeing the softness of the eggs, I changed my mind.

I've boned out the beef shin and am currently making broth with the bone and am braising the meat with some tomatoes, onion, turmeric and mustard, I wanted to cut the meat into individual muscles and end up with chunks. How they will cook, I'm not sure but it's worth experimenting. Years ago a friend told me that his wife would cook beef shin slices in the pressure cooker and then finish them off by caramelising them in a frying pan. He thought it was like steak. I suspect the texture would have been a bit different, but it would have tasted good. I'll have to try that one day. Maybe my oven braised shin will be similar. It's been in for about an hour and a half so far, and will stay in for an hour or so longer. By evening, I might have something to make a meal of.

Meantime it will be Halloween cookie making time with Em when she comes in from school in an hour and a half, so I'd better prepare for that.


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Will you go back to bed and catch a bit more snooze? Or will you have to get ready for work? Hugs for the lack of sleep and not feeling too great.

Have been up early too. Had a "nightmare" of going shoe shopping with my husband and him leaving me alone in the store to have fun elsewhere. Strange dream. Not even going to try interpret what this dream means.

I have nightmares quite often - I think it is something to do with medication. Usually my really upsetting ones involve being crammed into a small space and being unable to breath. Luckily, I can usually force myself out of it. Had one a few nights ago of being crammed into a trailer and finding there was no air. I managed to shout out (in the dream) "No, I'm not going in there! and pushed my way out again, waking up and coming up for air. It stayed with me for a long time, especially when the morning news carried the story about the 39 people dying in a trailer in Essex. I'm not clairvoyant or anything - just coincidence and my claustrophobia coming to the fore. But I really felt for what those people went through. I'm told cheese and chocolate have chemicals in them which can cause bad dreams, but I think it is medication.


Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Diet only
Evening all. Mid way through my Halloween baking. One batch of cakes done. Another cooling and 3 strays in the oven. Cakes are lemon, courtesy of @SueJB ’s recipe. The icing is @maglil55 ’s recipe with more than a dash of food colouring, Ghoulish decorations are courtesy of Hotel Chocolat.

And what have I eaten? Breakfast of bacon, eggs and cheese. Then mid-morning some salted almonds. Lunch of garlic Parmesan chicken wings. Had thought that would be enough but hungry enough now to be eating some M&S rollitos. The cakes may also have to be sampled.



Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B=tea; L= almond milk cocoa; mid afternoon chunk red fox and 2 thin slices corned beef; Evening was chicken thigh, chorizo and mushroom casserole with celeriac dauphinoise and broccoli. Nothing not to like about the food but I would probably have enjoyed patagonian warble flies with sandpaper today. 2 hrs cutting lawns this afternoon - probably final time - and playing about with my beloved Chinese digging hoe added to the hour walk with 3 great chats earlier - all good.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Toothache set in and intensified today - stress related tooth grinding and possible infection setting in - just accepted that I need to contact dentist first thing!
Brunch tried soft reheated chaffle with soft egg - soft being the operative word!
Dinner cooked but wasn’t able to eat the lamb - even though it was loin - but did eat the soft warm cauliflower rice with cheese followed by sf jelly with yoghurt.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: gouda and chorizo rollitos with leafy salad and sweet pepper followed by Greek yoghurt, raspberries and macadamia and coconut keto granola.
Mid afternoon: coffee chia pudding and black coffee.
Dinner: mushroom, lemongrass and coconut stir fry followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
2 meals today
NE1 chicken salad with homemade mayo then a 30g bar Montezuma’s Absolute black.
Dennis finally relieved of his cone of shame so went for a very cold, soggy walk on Tregoss moor until we came across a bunch of cows wandering freely. Not sure how D would react to them, or them to him so beat a hasty retreat.
NE2: Pork stroganoff with roast sprouts and green beans. 1 glass red.
@Goonergal great looking cakes.
@shelley262 so sorry about the tooth pain, hope the dentist can sort you out ASAP.
Edit for typo