What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: meatballs in tomato and mascarpone sauce with cauliflower, broccoli, mangetout and green beans.

2024-04-16 19.12.46.jpeg


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Skipped breakfast
Double dancing! Back on schedule after 5 week gap.
Did pop out for a takeaway coffee halfway through, which I shared with hubby...but I'm not used to caffeine...

Did couple of errands on way home.

L: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 thick slice of ham wrapped around guacamole and rocket.

Started wiping cooker but then realised marks were inside the glass... so 3 and a half hours later, 2 triple glazed oven doors removed, insides, every nook and cranny scrubbed, every rack soaked and its still not finished. Didnt realise it had got so bad. Very tired now as its a lot of bending, scrubbing and scraping. Cursing the caffeine, else I might have ignored it.

I was on the move from 09:30 to 17:30! Who needs a gym?

D: venison burger, green beans, small carrot. Coffee icecream with chopped 85% chocolate, a glass white wine with soda. 50g cheese.


Well-Known Member
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I'm with you on them. Only in my case it has to be ketchup and mustard on them.
I only had English mustard, and the ketchup squeezed in a weird way, so I had to decant it and try to spread it on. If I'd had any squeezy mustard I'd have had that too. And I would have fried more onions too.


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Oh how I love Italian food! Hubby was in pizza heaven as he is gluten free and the pizzas there are unsurprisingly far and away the best he has had.Italy brilliant for GF. I have been very good, low carb breakfasts of eggs,cheese, ham and plain yog, not tempted at all by croissants or cake. Salads for lunch and lovely seafood for dinner. Did have about a tablespoon of pistachio gelato but have walked miles.
Me too @sueh21. Up against some stiff competition but, forced to choose between the varied cuisines of European countries, Italian food would be without doubt my favourite. Italians know what they're doing with coffee as well!


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For me eating a bigger meal instead of snacking, something like a plate of meat and eggs will do it (think fried breakfast) and I wont even think of food all day.:bag:
Works for me too @ravensmitten.

So sorry to hear about your accident. You may seize up overnight but, despite the pain, you're wise to keep moving as much as possible during the day; rested but mobile.

Injury can temporarily raise your blood glucose as you realise, so I’d certainly delay your HbA1c test.
All the best.


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I have a book where I write all my foods but must admit, there are one or two gaps
Well done @RosemaryJackson, you're on the right track. You don't need special equipment apart from your meter and a good supply of strips. If you can keep this up for a couple of weeks without gaps, you may begin to see a pattern and, barring illness or injury, your BG readings should start to make sense.

Remember to take alcoholic beverages into account as these can easily muddy the water.

This record keeping may seem tedious, but helped me no end to understand what was going on,
so well worth doing, IMO.


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Regarding the cat thing, my old neighbour used to leave the small (top) kitchen window open when she was cooking. Whenever she roasted a chicken, a nearby cat would get in.
Naturally @IanBish. They're not silly. A cat's olfactory sense is almost as keen as a dog's sense of smell.


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Chicken cacciatore is very different. Bone in chicken portions (I tend to use thighs, but legs are good too). Chopped onion, red & yellow peppers, garlic, mushrooms, black olives, crushed tomato, red wine, thyme, oregano, tomato puree, and I like a little chilli flakes in to too. Brown the chicken, then it's a slow cook job in a casserole. Wine needs reducing before it's added to the mix. Lovely with cauliflower rice.

Hunter's chicken is chicken breast wrapped in bacon. You can get mushrooms in it too, but the thing to watch is that there is barbecue sauce in it. Some of the supermarkets put very sweet BBQ sauce on it. It is topped with a cheese mix of grated mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan.

A lot of chicken dishes get made in this household!
Thank you so much @maglil55, Both creations sound tasty!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)

B: Two poached eggs smothered with butter and avocado seasoned with black pepper plus a wedge of Teifi (pronounced Tavey) Welsh unpasturised cow's milk cheese.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Wild Alaskan salmon baked with calabrese broccoli, chestnut mushrooms, double cream and lemon verbena.
Steamed samphire and mangetout with a knob of butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D Seafood salad using tiger prawns, brown shrimps, rocket, baby plum tomatoes, celery, Romano peppers, cucumber, Halkidiki olives and salad onions, dressed with an olive oil, balsamic and garlic vinaigrette, topped with toasted pistachio nuts.
Water to wash down tablets.


Staff Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Message from the mod team

Hi guys, mods have noticed there’s quite a number of posts that are now and again taking the thread off topic, we appreciate that you are supporting each other and it’s great to see that forum members have support of others when needed and we don’t want to stifle that, but this thread is primarily to share what you’ve eaten so that others can get ideas and inspiration.

New members are often directed to the thread to get ideas of what to eat but when the chat overtakes the purpose of the thread then it becomes difficult for other forum members to navigate. By all means post a little about your day but please keep the thread on topic by posting “what you have eaten today”

There is another thread that’s active in which you can chat freely here https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/what-have-you-eaten-parallel-chat.177870/

Thanks for your understanding guys


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Just had breakfast - a kind of meatzza using the beef mince that I cooked a day or so ago, 2 eggs, with half a large tomato chopped up plus a spoonful of peas and topped with some cheddar and some mozzarella. I ate half of it and am pretty full now so will keep the other half until tomorrow.

2nd meal is planned to be salmon with lemon and green beans.


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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Last 24 hours with estimated carb count:

usual four shots out of a six shot mocha pot, with double cream and stevia: (zero)

Low carb SRSLY bun toasted with butter: (2g)

can zero carb caffeine drink: (zero)

3 fried eggs, 4 Italian fennel sausages (99% meat), 60g Stornoway black pudding, 3 slices bacon: (10-15g, from the pudding)

440ml Lime Rock IPA: (2g)

glass bourbon: (zero)

and this morning's usual four shots out of a six shot mocha pot, with double cream and stevia (zero).


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Yes, @ravensmitten, of course it was as an attempt at a bit of humour.

Regarding the cat thing, my old neighbour used to leave the small (top) kitchen window open when she was cooking. Whenever she roasted a chicken, a nearby cat would get in.

Anyway, to stay on topic, I just had some air-fried chicken legs, followed by some mixed nuts, with a couple of squares of 85% dark chocolate.

Funnily enough, I have a hilarious photograph I have to find of just that, the little mite trying to get in through the window.

Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you manage to keep some movement going despite your pain - it must be difficult. As you say earlier though trying to keep on track as much as possible with managing your carbs is even more important when struggling with other physical issues as well as type 2 diabetes. From various stuff I've read over the years keeping carbs and processed food low can also help lower inflammation and consequently pain management so you may get more improvements from keeping low carb.

Thank you, you are right, the last time my I had the same injury, it seemed to heal much quicker when I switched to low carb foods, could have been a coincidence but I think there’s something in it. I do have arthritis too, have done since a young age and it does feel much less inflamed when I eat well. Think at the moment a few things are flaring up because of the injury. I do think it’s more connected to the neck than the shoulder itself but doctors and physio seemed not to think so despite not having an X-ray or a scan. Funnily neck rehab seems to minimise the pain I’m having really well.

Works for me too @ravensmitten.

So sorry to hear about your accident. You may seize up overnight but, despite the pain, you're wise to keep moving as much as possible during the day; rested but mobile.

Injury can temporarily raise your blood glucose as you realise, so I’d certainly delay your HbA1c test.
All the best.

Thanks, agree

Less carbs today, surprisingly was only hovering around 6 recently despite discrepancies/injuries.

Will be my last post in this thread, didn't realise there was even another thread because the forum is so fragmented, sorry. Not personally interested in just reading/just posting meals myself but understand others might not be interested in the chatter at all, the value for me is the wonderful community of people posting in here so will jump ship to the other thread if there's more of a community chat thing over there. Apologies for taking things off topic so much (hold my hands up I'm def an 'offender' here.)

@mods move my post/s if need to/bothers anyone.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi all. I got a good day in the garden today in spite of the ground being very squishy.

9.30 am Glass of kefir
10.30 am Greek yogurt and cream (I add the cream because Fage have gone from 10% fat to 5%)

4.30 pm
Pork puffs
Lamb steaks
Greek yogurt and cream

@ravensmitten I hope you'll still post here, I'm sure a little bit of chat is ok. And I hope you feel better after your accident too x
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all today's food
Breakfast hm kefir then two boiled eggs and LC roll
Lunch a few frozen raspberries mixed with hm yoghurt then a few squares of Montezuma s 100% orange oil chocolate.
Dinner slow cooked Bolognese with about 20g of low carb pasta cooked in in last hour. Served with glass of red wine. Pudding LC blondie.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: gammon steak, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.

2024-04-17 18.59.56.jpeg


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Lunch a few bits of cheese, four LC seeded crackers and small salad. My salad was a mix of avocado, hm sauerkraut and some microgreens. @DJC3 I have been thinking of buying a micrgreens kit like yours but hadn't got round to it so was thrilled yesterday in Waitrose when spotted micrgreens for £2.25 think they will do a few days to improve salads
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Evening @shelley262. Those microgreens look tempting. Once harvested, will they grow again?