What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good morning everyone on a strangely dry yet wonderfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. A fan not working. Possible fuse, 3A - nope, best go and buy some. Fuse replaced. A fan not working. Strip down and do some electrical tests - all working within set parameters. Assemble, just the cover to fit - Plug in, switch on. A fan not working. Nock fan blade with finger whilst picking up cover - fan springs into life. ‘People are not disturbed by things but by the views they take of them’ - Epictetus. Art bit - a couple of trees. Be not troubled, today’s yesterday will be tomorrow’s day before the day before today. Now where is my koffy.
I'm not a fan of this!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
My gut feeling....mmhh

You got lucky .
I think it's a test run, stock up on tinned foods, sunak & those in charge know what's coming.

Because this could be how sky net starts

Going to be countless people digging out fans for the forecast heatwaves.

Easier fighting a foe who's lost all its finger in summer 'fan' accidents

Conspiracy theorist...moi..

All conspiracies need to be terminator- ed!
Not a fan either.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fbg 6.7

Video on my phone camera.
I am less than a metre away.
A little sparrow feeding itself, but when its parents came near, it pretended to be helpless...
27 secs

Creative...digitally painted a bluetit on a cherry blossom branch...
@Lamont D

Now to get on with the day...

Have your best day.

View attachment 67830
thanks very much.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I knew an electrician with a missing index finger on his right hand. He unwisely tested if a fan was running as a young electrician. A substantial fan it whipped it straight off no trouble. A bad mistake to make just once.
Was he a digital electrican?
Sorry, not a fan of that either, having smashed the end of my left forefinger by a dangerous hammer.
My woodwork teacher, a certain Mr Tilyard. Had only four fingers with his two thumbs.
Hence teaching theory rather than practice. Could say it dovetailed his career.
I knew a man called Dovetail.
Don't know where I'm going with this?you

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.7 shooping, hopping, chopping and dropping this am.
frantic Friday downtown, sorry I went into one shop. Spent too much!
And still didn't get what was top of my list.

a stack of mail, birthday cards got for #7 next week and have surprise for Mrs L.
it is a small ornament to add to her collection, on offer and I couldn't resist.
Maybe, just maybe, I might be in her good books tonight.

Weather is cool, cloudy, rain is definitely in the air, so much rain in the last couple of days. And more to come.

The big question to a GM, CEO today. If you can't remember or recall certain aspects of your time there. How did you ever do your job?

Don't understand why, I am feeling quite decent today!
Have your best weekend.
My bestest ever Friday good wishes to you lot.
And to add, get your minds out of the gutter!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Video on my phone camera.
I am less than a metre away.
A little sparrow feeding itself, but when its parents came near, it pretended to be helpless...
27 secs

Creative...digitally painted a bluetit on a cherry blossom branch...
@Lamont D

Now to get on with the day...

Have your best day.
Smashing little bluetit - nicely done


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sub-optimally cool L.A. which is likely to be the high point of the late May Public Holiday for weather. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art and well crafted story of the fan. I/we are likely to need central heating and several layers of thermals more than a fan. @gennepher thank you for sharing the video and amazing creative. I couldn't claim to be very interested in birds but I can recognise skill and know many - morning @lindisfel - derive huge pleasure from observing them. If they played sport I'd obviously be fully absorbed. I don't watch horse racing but the racehorses I see in Newmarket are stunningly sleek and move so elegantly. @jjraak the reference to Sky Net is just not giving but each to their own. Thank you for sharing the photo - it appears some other animal has photobombed Frankie's photo - meh :D Enjoy National leaver's day which it seems must now be marked by buying an overpriced hoodie. Is it still a day for signing shirts and "other" garments and "the enforcers" patrolling corridors, playgrounds, fields and local shops that sell eggs and flour (with walkie talkies) and guarding all fire alarms? - such fond memories. On the plus side I have been given several presents, including a fully certified Bale era signed Spurs shirt, given by groups of students
Thanks @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am trying access via tablet and mobile phone but mobile does not seem have the dates on for recent occasions which make life difficult. Having a bit of a struggle but worth persevering.
Derek posted 1610
Always a pleasure to hear from you Derek but don't fret about posting here. We are truly blessed to hear from you when you do post.
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This is a thread for those chatterboxes who not only enjoy letting us know their daily fasting level but also like to engage in friendly banter above and beyond the simple 'hello'. I am not known for my banter but I do enjoy hearing from the regulars about how their day is going, feeds my soul.

So to you, my DCUK friends, here is a new page where you can be as verbose as you wish and still comply with the moderators stick.

Going to link names of regulars, kind of advert for this post and if I've missed your name I apologise.
@karen8967 @gennepher @Freema @johnpol @Jodie1154 @dunelm @philchap1 @alf_Josiah @dogslife @Bubbsie @PenguinMum @SaskiaKC @trick60 @Debandez @ziggy_w @Krystyna23040 @ianpspurs @geefull @jjraak @Patrick66 @OrsonKartt @Cumberland @Chronicle_Cat @Bildad @Goacher55 @JohnEGreen @Prem51

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On behalf of the moderation team


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Wish something would help my memory. Afraid I am having lapses.

Do you still follow Malcolm Guite Ian?I have come across him on net recently.
I think you are allowed to have some memory lapses with age and illness. I don't follow Malcolm Guite's blog regularly but I definitely read his Lent and Advent anthology. I use this resource quite often especially this section. Obviously not for everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Its a long time since i had a young fit and active cat. Even then we were living in a town so not so much available or varied prey. There it was mostly sparrows and starlings. Don't remember any being caught.
Think I was just lucky this time and the pics were already a useable size.
Sadly the nest is now empty - with an incriminating tuft of fur identifying the culprit.
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