What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Tablets (oral)
Actually slept all last night yay!

B: ff greek with seeds and blackberries
Lunch at IKEA. Thinking I'd have meatballs without the chips or mash, but settled, for the same money, for gravad lax (smoked salmon) and mozzarella and tomato. Very tasty, and even better hubby had a main course, drinks each, total came to £12. Less than we'd have paid for 1 main at a local pub.
D: blue cheese coleslaw. A new invention, sliced raw white cabbage mixed with mayo, yoghurt and crumbles stilton. Added a few chopped olives to cut the richness. Very tasty indeed.
2 glasses white wine with soda and 4 sqs 70% chocolate
I might try making the blue cheese coleslaw yum yum .


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm very late today. @shelley262 , yes I do use my slow cooker but I never thought to reduce some of the liquid, but I will try that thank you. I have some diced lamb and some dried mushrooms so will try it tomorrow. Today I fasted till 1.30 then had minced beef with onion, broccoli and cauli. I have started going to Slimming World because last time I went I reduced weight, A1c, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. It worked well for me so I'm hoping it will do the same this time. Hope you have all had a good day. :)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@RosemaryJackson if something worked before that will hopefully help you moving forward again hope it goes well.
Small kefir with my supplements before going out
Lunch two different kimchis, cheeses and LC seeded crackers followed by rhubarb and yoghurt
Dinner salmon in Lemon butter with cauliflower cheese and two small glasses of dry white wine followed by LC chocolate brownie


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Kefir and black coffee first thing.
Then school run and a trawl round M&S - picked up reduced price prawn cocktail ( amongst other goodies) and had half of this with avocado and salad for lunch.
D- lamb steak with sauteed mushrooms, broccoli and green beans dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and feta cheese.
Chocolate chia pudding to follow.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Corned Beef Tomatoes
Smoked salmon
Cheese and cold sausage


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all,


B: Two poached eggs with a knob of butter and avocado seasoned with black pepper and a wedge of Teifi.
Water to swallow tablet.
Double espresso.

L: Packed lunch made with leftover walnut and mushroom nut roast.
Romano peppers, celery sticks and baby plum tomatoes with chicory boats for scooping and a dollop of home-made mayonnaise for dipping.
Prawns and brown shrimps.
Almonds and hazelnuts.
Water to drink.

Mid-afternoon: black filter coffee

D: Smoked salmon and cream cheese salad made with lettuce, celery, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions, Kalamata olives and Romano peppers, dressed with olive oil, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, topped with toasted pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.
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Retired Moderator
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Same as yesterday, cauliflower puree with a mystery slow cooked beef and onion stew. :hungry:
Too much left for one day, too little for two, so I plated it all and made four small dogs and a cat very happy with cleaning my plate. :cat:


Tomorrow will be a surprise. :)
My best friend (who I don't see nearly enough between my anxiety on driving and being away from home, and her children and nasty chronic illness) and her friend have rented a holiday cottage near to me for two nights.

They'll come over tomorrow around noon to explore my house and my garden With a bit of luck they'll get to admire all the animal skulls my neighbour has collected, and the sheepskins and moleskins he has made, and the finger he had amputated a while back in its little pot of alcohol. The children are 6, 8, 10 and 12 so I suppose my garden will count as an adventure with all the animals to feed. :joyful:

They'll bring some lunch, no idea what but a typical Dutch lunch consists of sandwiches. I can use my own bread for that, no problem.
After that we'll go to the zoo.
I dared the children to go for a cold swim with me, so that's next, they are really excited about swimming in the winter, and I'm very curious if they'll do it! I'll provide hot chocolate for after the swim.

Evening meal will be at their place.
My friend has a T2 friend over for dinner every friday. He isn't a member of the forum, but through my friend and me he found his way with his diabetes within a couple of months, still thanks to the forum.
I'm sure the evening meal won't be a problem for me, she's had more than enough practice.

I hope I'll still have some energy left after all that to post an update here. :hilarious:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Took a long time to get to sleep last night. Had about 4 hours in the end

Mint tea
B: yoghurt, 6 blackberries and seeds
12:00 hm soup (tomato, celery and apple with sherry) was Xmas day starter, this was frozen. 1 slice hilo bread toasted with cheese

Mood finally lifted after a conversation with a family member.
Then got hungry!!!
Hm hot chocolate with Baileys and some 85% chocolate . 2 sqs hm lc rhubarb cake
About 4:30 nibbled while preparing dinner, yoghurt, cucumber, olives

18:30 salmon with red cabbage and 2 tablespoons lentils. Cucumber yoghurt sauce. White wine with soda
20:30 a small icecream

Must get back to weighing me, testing bg and sticking to lc. Tomorrow, maybe!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner at a friend’s who is type 2 and eats low carb, so I didn’t have to worry what she would serve up. She cooked Brie and chorizo stuffed chicken breast with air fried courgettes, followed by low carb carrot cake which I provided.

2024-02-09 18.42.09.jpeg


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I'm at home recovering from surgery and think the fact that I'm eating lunch every day might be more about filling time than hunger. I rarely eat lunch on work days. I do want/enjoy it though so maybe my body needs the fuel. I don't suppose it matters if it doesn't change the numbers.

Yesterdays food-
Breakfast- Two slices Heylo bread with two sliced cherry tomatoes and melted cheese.
Lunch- 50g fried pakchoi with a chicken thigh and an egg
Dinner- spinach and smoked salmon omelette follow by ketorama chocolate cake and a splash of cream.
One of the things I've confronted and accepted is that it's perfectly ok to think of some meals as "fuel". Nothing more, nothing less. Not every meal needs to be for enjoyment or total satisfaction, in fact for weight loss then it's possibly beneficial that some meals don't fulfil that criteria. For those meals, I know I need to eat (can't explain it, it's just a feeling), but I don't necessarily have a drive to do so. On those occasions, I keep it as low carb as possible, sometimes close to zero, and quite often I'll just reduce portion size to a snack rather than what would be considered a meal size serving.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning food: 3 sausages, some mushrooms and quarter of an onion, all on same tray baked for quickness, should have left the onion together as it went a bit papery, ate it with some hummus.

Coffee with splash of milk.

afternoon/early evening: Some cucumber fingers with a couple more spoons of hummus, slice of cold beef on the plate.

2 spoons of yoghurt, 4 raspberries

Coffee with splash of milk.

Piece of cheese from the fridge a min ago while mooching in the kitchen.

Eaten more today than have been recently, feel appetite a bit more as in feel hungry like I should eat, but still not fancying much when thinking about what to eat.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
I was interested in what @Paul_ said as I think the biggest loss of LC is the spontaneity especially when eating out at friends or a restaurant. I don’t like to influence what friends cook and try and swerve as best I can but tbh it rarely happens these days. Looking at a menu trying to figure out if I can find something suitable and if they will do tweaks does for me suck the pleasure out,, eg sometimes the only safe bet is steak and salad which is NOT what I want to eat. Then you look at some of carbier options which look interesting but I cannot have. Frequently the protein can’t be separated from the sauce. We only eat out on holiday now and have two safe takeaways instead near home. Its one of the reasons I like the simplicity of Nandos.
Yesterday brekkie was usual slice LC toast and copious tea, strong with miniscule amount of milk.
Lunch was small selection of cheese from Farm Shop inc Shropshire Blue, Cheshire and Red Storm 4 small rable water crackers (10g). Tea
Supper was large portion of Moules Marinere without any sides.
Today same brekkie.
Lunch will be more cheese from the Farm Shop. I managed to spend more than £20 on cheese there for two people but it will stretch two weeks, maybe. I now buy my meat there now which is organic but competitively priced. We decided that we would only buy good food during the pandemic years and have never gone back. Though I do still buy fruit & veg at the supermarket.
Supper will be Chicken Shaslik with cauli rice. A gin & soda or two beforehand.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Interesting Penguin mum,
Do you or anyone know if there is too cheese you can eat, I usually eat with celery ?
Carb wise provided you don't go for the processed cheeses and stick to regular fermented ones no you can't eat too much cheese. However if you are following a being careful with your fats low carb way of eating because you are working on your body to burn it's own fat stores you may need to be more conservative. It helps too to go for stronger mature good quality cheeses to hit the spot. Can't beat cheese with celery! A wide range of cheese is always in our cheese box love it with kimchi too.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
I was interested in what @Paul_ said as I think the biggest loss of LC is the spontaneity especially when eating out at friends or a restaurant. I don’t like to influence what friends cook and try and swerve as best I can but tbh it rarely happens these days. Looking at a menu trying to figure out if I can find something suitable and if they will do tweaks does for me suck the pleasure out,, eg sometimes the only safe bet is steak and salad which is NOT what I want to eat. Then you look at some of carbier options which look interesting but I cannot have. Frequently the protein can’t be separated from the sauce. We only eat out on holiday now and have two safe takeaways instead near home. Its one of the reasons I like the simplicity of Nandos.
Agree with you here. The most significant impacts on normal life when you're a diet managed type 2 are the reduced level of convenience and the fact eating out becomes a bit of a chore in many establishments. Most restaurants are poor value for money these days, but that goes treble when you're low carb.

I share your approach, where low carb is my personal choice and one I don't expect others to cater for, or run their lives around. Friends and family are mostly happy to be flexible though, so often opt for places where I can get steak/chicken/pork etc, a mixed grill, a decent burger, or there are good low carb salad options. I've found speaking to restaurant staff to be an effective approach too, where a quick and friendly conversation to explain my situation means many have gone out of their way to substitute out the highest carb offenders for more suitable options so I still get decent meal portion and better value for money. I hated doing it at first, but my experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I increase the tip accordingly too, in the hope it further encourages their determination to help.

Work related functions are more difficult. There's no attempt at even considering that not everyone can just pile down cheap, mass catered carby options, or whatever slop is being served in a restaurant priced within acceptable ranges for expenses claims. Vegetarians might be considered, but any other dietary restriction is a distant and forgotten concern. I'm not alone in this, one of my colleagues is coeliac, so we keep each other in good company and spirits when we're judged as difficult or problematic because we decline those all day meetings with the so-called "working lunch" catering, or the meeting followed by dinner at a restaurant with no suitable options. I'm just not desperate enough to spend unpaid time with work people, or to sit in boring all day meetings that are a scourge on actual productivity, so I unashamedly play the T2D card rather than go hungry while enduring those occasions.

There are times though when necessity means I just pick what I can from a menu, look at it as fuel, get it over and done with, and chalk it down to experience.

(Apologies if I've dragged the thread off topic here - I've had an omelette for breakfast, if that helps :cool:)


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Breakfast: RyVita with cheddar melted on top, in the microwave. Not a great breakfast, but the thought of standing to make bacon and egg meant I'd just have gone without anything otherwise. BG hovering in the mid 7's.

2nd meal will be more of the moussaka from a couple of days ago. Also not much fun, but edible and will keep me going.

Most things passing my lips today will be pain killers and antibiotics. Neil collected the new antibiotics from the pharmacy this morning so will have to make a start on taking them. There are plenty of other pills to take as well, but they're only once a day. Hoping that the paracetamol in the pain killers will reduce the symptoms of the cold that seems to be developing just now.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner at a friend’s who is type 2 and eats low carb, so I didn’t have to worry what she would serve up. She cooked Brie and chorizo stuffed chicken breast with air fried courgettes, followed by low carb carrot cake which I provided.

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hi ,
wondering what a killer carb bar is , I’m looking for a few smacks ( apart from nuts) suggestions please


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hi ,
wondering what a killer carb bar is , I’m looking for a few smacks ( apart from nuts) suggestions please
Carb killa bars are made by Grenade, available in Tesco. They are sweetened with polyols (artificial sweeteners) which suit some diabetics, but not all