10. Refusing to come down9. Misunderstanding8. Period of reflection7. Charming6. So what’s this diabetes thing?5. Say what?4. Sugar free passion3. You’re kidding me?2. Massive swearing initiated1. One of us!What's new on the forum? ⭐️Full fat? Ask A QuestionJograham1924Hba1c was 91 now 47 Type 2 DiabetesResurgam5.51k26T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery Type 2 DiabetesChris24Main52.30k640LOW CARB SUCCESS STORIES Low-carb Diet Forumfergus457.39k791What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum) Low-carb Diet ForumAdministrator8038.06k64.56kWhat was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat) Diabetes DiscussionsNewdestinyX6196.83k78.36kEye problem Type 2 Diabetesmalcsleep1463Diabetes using a combination of drugs Type 2 Diabetesdwelldon1171Closed loop and pork insulin Insulin Pump Forumtigger3573How many cups of coffee do you have per day? FastingGlyko7.86k39Get our free newslettersStay up to date with the latest news, research and breakthroughs.