The number of people in the world living with diabetes is estimated to be 382 million and is expected to grow significantly over the coming decades.
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) predicts diabetes cases to increase by 55% over the next 22 years, which would see 592 million people living with the condition.
Type 2 diabetes is, by far, the most common form of diabetes accounting for more than 90% of diabetes cases. There are a number of factors that have been linked as causes of type 2 diabetes with diet and decreasing physical activity frequently cited as being the most significant cause.
Whilst less common than type 2 diabetes, rates of type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune condition, are also increasing, particularly in developed countries such as the USA and the UK. The UK has the fifth highest rate of type 1 diabetes in the world.
Diabetes is relatively well treated in the UK whereas in other countries basic diabetes supplies are harder to come by and appointments with doctors can be difficult and/or costly. The IDF, which compiles a Diabetes Atlas containing a number of key diabetes statistics for countries across the world, notes that diabetes is responsible for over 5 million deaths per year which works out as one death every 6 seconds.
Whilst countries with the largest populations, such as China, India and the USA have the largest number of people with diabetes, the highest rates of diabetes are found in islands of the Pacific (including the Marshall Islands and Cook Islands) followed by countries in the Middle East (including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain).

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