India is facing an enormous diabetes epidemic, the scale of which far surpasses anything previously witnessed. The country has also undergone a huge socio-economic transition over the last decade. New statistics indicate that diabetes, already known to be sweeping India, is now becoming far more common amongst children and women in gestation.
Several recent studies have contributed to an overwhelming bulk of evidence that indicates a soar in type 2 diabetes amongst children and adolescents. A study carried out by the Delhi Diabetes Research Centre reported that 17 per cent of Indian children are overweight or obese . 42 per cent were found to spend an hour a day watching television or engaged in computer games .
Gestational diabetes is also on the rise. One Indian expert was reported as saying: “We‘re seeing a significant rise in the number of gestational diabetics . This is due to increased incidence of obesity, mental stress, work styles, improper diet and lack of physical activity.” The expert further highlighted the need for screening and adequate nutrition .
India has a population of 35 million diabetics, and the WHO (World Health Organisation) estimates that this figure will climb to 73.5 million by 2025.

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