According to further diabetes news, the chemical that gives grapefruit its bitterness could now be used to create a diet pill. A flavonoid found in citrus fruit, natingeni, reportedly has a powerful influence on the liver that causes it to burn fat rather than storing it after each meal.
The compound could therefore help people to prevent weight gain without changing diets or cutting out some foods. The researchers believe that the compound could help to fight diabetes – the compound has been found to have a powerful influence on balancing insulin and blood glucose .
Professor Murray Huff was reported in diabetes news as commenting: “Furthermore, the marked obesity that develops in these mice was completely prevented by naringenin. What was unique about the study was that the effects were independent of caloric intake, meaning the mice ate exactly the same amount of food and the same amount of fat. There was no suppression of appetite or decreased food intake, which are often the basis of strategies to reduce weight gain and its metabolic consequences.”

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