According to diabetes charity Diabetes UK, over 300 people with diabetes are admitted to hospital each week with heart attacks . Furthermore, some 65 required amputation of the toe or foot .
To reach the conclusions, researchers analysed a National Health Service study of 1.5 million people with diabetes . Diabetics are up to five times more likely to suffer from a heart attack, and are two-three times more likely to have a stroke . Furthermore, these types of diabetes complications cause around 50 per cent of diabetes fatalities.
The Chief Executive of Diabetes UK, Douglas Smallwood, reportedly commented: ” Diabetes is the biggest health challenge currently facing the UK. Cardiovascular disease is the most common diabetes complication, sadly accounting for at least half of the 70 diabetes-attributable deaths that occur every day. Whilst we can’t say for certain whether diabetes is the sole contributing factor behind these new figures, we do know from a wealth of previous research that there is a very strong link.”

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