Managing diabetes can be expensive. The ongoing costs of eating well, keeping blood glucose levels closely monitored, and exercising to an appropriate level can all cost a lot not to mention being extremely time consuming. proposes some ways to save money, whilst managing diabetes as well as possible.

Keeping costs down with food shopping

Choosing the cheapest food is not always advisable as the very cheapest food tends to be high in calories but low in overall nutrition. However, there are opportunities to make savings whilst keeping to a healthy diet.

Eating well is a key part of managing diabetes and spending on food is very important, so savings should only be made when quality is not sacrificed.

Buying certain items in bulk and comparing prices between markets and supermarkets are just two ways in which savings can be made.

Shopping around for diabetes monitoring and management systems

Diabetes monitoring and management systems vary in price, some due to their complexity and detail of results, other depending on the manufacturer.

If you are buying a blood glucose meter and your doctor will not prescribe test strips for you, it is well worth taking into account the costs of the test strips and lancets as part of your decision.

If you are buying diabetes equipment or testing supplies for your own diabetes you may be eligible for exemption from paying VAT

Getting help with health costs

Having diabetes means you may be exempt from paying for some aspects of health such as eye tests.

If you are on medication for diabetes you should be able to claim for a Medical Exemption Certificate which makes you exempt from paying prescription cards.

Are you eligible for benefits?

If your diabetes means you have specific care needs, you may be entitled to benefits. If you have mobility or eyesight difficulties, for example, you may be eligible for financial help.

Children and adults under 65 with care needs may be entitled to Disability Living Allowance and over 65s may qualify for Attendance allowance.

Save money on diabetes insurance

Shopping around for the most competitive quote for specialist diabetic insurance, such as life, travel and car insurance, can make all the difference to your premium cost.

Having diabetes tends to add to the price of premiums as statistically, we are deemed to cost insurance companies more. Don’t be tempted to not declare diabetes though as, in many cases, doing so will invalidate the policy.

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