A while ago, we posted a shocking video in which a man with diabetes was pulled over in the USA and beaten after police suspected he was driving under the influence of alcohol, when in reality he was suffering a hypoglycemic attack.
Once again, we’ve found a tragic story of negligence and total lack of awareness.
A woman has died in custody at Maricopa County Jail, Arizona after guards failed to give her the appropriate medical attention and allowed her to fall in to a diabetic coma which consequently led to her death.
The local ABC affiliate reports on the circumstances surrounding Deborah Braillard’s death after she was put in jail for a minor drug possession charge:
“Witness[es] said that Deborah was constantly moaning and crying out in pain, asking for help, repeatedly vomiting, defecating on herself and having seizures.
“She would shake. Her body would stiffen up,” said Tamela Harper, an inmate in the jail with Braillard. “They never did anything to help her.”
Inmates said they begged officers to do something.
“They were telling everyone, ‘There’s nothing we can do about it. This is jail. Get over it,”’ Harper said.
Harper added that officers said Braillard was “kicking drugs” and that she was “getting what she deserved.”
Medical reports would later prove the guards were wrong.”
How many deaths will it take for people to start becoming aware of the symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia? The symptoms are usually very obvious, and should be treated immediately. They include confusion, disorientation, loss of balance, aggression, fainting and even seizures. More and more people with diabetes are finding ways to identify themselves as diabetic to other people though getting tattoos, wearing wristbands and carrying emergency ID.
Once again, this tragic story serves as a poignant reminder of the lack of awareness many people have when it comes to diabetes. Everyone should know how and when to treat a hypo.