[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″ bg_color=”#F4B700″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]W[/mks_dropcap]ell, here we go. I’m Zoe and was diagnosed as Type 1 diabetic back on Sept 2013. For the last 3 years I have tried just about every diet you can think off. All with little or no success, and all quickly leading to the weight creeping slowly back on. When I found out I was diabetic, I decided I really had to grab this “get healthy” malarky by the horns and lose weight, and get fit for the sake of my children (corny but true!)
When I read about the Almased trial I was intrigued and excited; a meal replacement that has been scientifically proven to stimulate your metabolism, and encourage your body to burn more fat. I must admit I was a little sceptical about the fact it claims to keep you feeling full for 4 hours.
I excitedly tracked “Andy” the delivery driver who brought my package, via the confirmation email and hurriedly removed the packaging like a child on christmas morning. Then the reality began to dawn that this was it, this was my chance to take a step forward and shout to my inner Zoe “I’m coming to get you!”
Today Monday 31/03 was my first day, and Almased recommends 3 drinks only for the first 3 days (accompanied by a homemade vegetable broth, for which the recipe is provided) this prepares your body for when your metabolism readjusts itself. I must admit I was a little nervous, as the Queen of snackers I was apprehensive that my resolve would hold.
So, with a steely determination, I weighed myself (pic attached, so no going back now) and was ready to go. The drinks are really easy to make, aided by the shaker bottle that was provided. I chose to use just water as this claims to increase weight loss, but it can also be made with skimmed milk or soya milk. 300ml of cold water and 5 heaped tablespoons of Almased later I was set to go. The taste is really hard to describe, undertones of the honey definitely come through, but it does have quite a strong aftertaste, so it may be an acquired taste, and was a little grainy. Maybe that I didn’t mix enough, so we’ll call that bit work in progress. Thats was at 8am with a pre drink blood sugar reading of 9.3. Come lunchtime at 1pm I can honestly say I was not hungry. Whether there’s an element of convincing myself I would not be hungry, so didn’t think I was, I don’t know, but in the past I find myself ravenous 2 hours after meal, so that was a positive. Blood sugar reading 9.1. Got to tea time and blood was 8.8:-) I know it is only the first day, but so far have experienced no cravings for anything naughty, and have not felt hungry between meals, and more excitedly from my point of view, as 5 tablespoons of Almased made up with Water is only 15g of carb I haven’t had to inject any rapid acting insulin today. I feel this will really help to stabilise my blood sugars, and as food is gradually introduced over the 14 days I can adjust insulin accordingly.
Watch this space for more updates 🙂