[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″ bg_color=”#F4B700″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]H[/mks_dropcap]ello from a very tired nana 😉
Grandchildren are a joy but utterly exhausting, and I was glad of my shakes today because I really did not really have the time to think about meals for me. So shake for breakfast and dinner and some veg broth for lunch, thank goodness for freezers and microwaves 😀
I am ok tonight, not hungry, and my morning BG level is beginning to come back down to my normal values – 5.5 today. Perhaps my body needed a week to get used to Almased, and I was getting slightly worried about a sustained increase in fasting levels, but I think it will be stable soon.
So I have passed the half way mark and have resisted the urge to weigh myself, I’ll leave that until the trial has been completed and hopefully I’ll have lost a few ponds. My family seem to think my face is thinner, but really it’s the tum & bum areas I would to trim down … fingers crossed, although I suppose weight loss from any part of the bod is a plus!
It was a really lovely but windy day here and looks like tomorrow will be the same, so a quiet day (hopefully) and maybe a run out to the countryside to see the new lambs and piglets…. awww
Have a super Sunday happy shakers xx