The first year of type 2 diabetes is often the most daunting.
The days, weeks and months following diagnosis can be a perplexing and arduous period. The key to early treatment of diabetes is information – knowing the intricacies of the disease and even more importantly your own responses and idiosyncrasies.
Comparisons between type 1 and type 2
Unlike type 1 diabetics, type 2 diabetics are often left to care entirely for themselves, as they develop the disease during adulthood. This book review could genuinely make all the difference for a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic worrying about their condition. Like all good diabetic books, as well answering your questions, it makes it clear that you are not the only one.
The author of The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes, Gretchen Becker, has been diagnosed for over a decade now.
She has educated herself in every aspect of the condition, gathering resources and first-hand information along the way.
Patient experts
Becker defines the patient-expert, who understands her condition, and more importantly how to live with and fight it. In this book, Becker takes a step-by-step approach to the condition, breaking the different stages down day-by-day, week-by-week. Becker set out to make this diabetic book able to answer the questions that all newly diagnosed diabetics have, including those about social life, technology, confidence, and daily living.
A sympathetic, concise and highly recommended companion for newly diagnosed diabetics.