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Live well!

Live well, with help from your very own service

'You need to change your lifestyle.'

This is a message that many, if not most of us, will have heard from our doctor. We know it's true, but we also know how tough it can be to actually make these changes.

Do you, like many of us, wish that you could make healthy lifestyle choices, but don't quite get round to it? Well, help is at hand – at last!

A new service, called Imperative, has been specially created to help people with diabetes (as well people with other clinical issues like raised blood pressure and high cholesterol) to build healthier habits for life.

A new approach

It is a fundamentally new approach. Imperative makes best practice to achieve lifestyle changes understandable and accessible to you and men, day-i, day out. It does this with a unique combination of weight and activity monitoring devices, online coaching and the support of health experts on the telephone.

To help you get the very best results, the service aims to fit in with your life, rather than asking you to make major changes immediately. To do this, Imperative starts by getting to know you. You will be asked to fill in a health questionnaire on the Imperative website and, if necessary, chat with one of the health experts over the phone or be email. From your answers, Imperative will work out your current 'Health Achievement Score' and create a personalised eating plan and activity programme designed to achieve your goals.

You will also receive:

  • a set of smart scales to keep track of your weight
  • a wrist band to measure your activity
  • a heart rate monitor to make sure that you exercise in a safe and effective manner..

These devices record your progress and help you and Imperative's health experts to see how well you are doing.

To help you stay on track, Imperative reviews your diet and activity each week and you can check your progress on the website. Your plan is adjusted week by week to keep you moving forward.

An Imperative health expert will contact you regularly to review your plan and any problems you may have. They are also available to answer any questions, boost your motivation and help you turn your health goals into a reality, creating healthy habits that stay with you for life.

Most importantly the whole programme is realistic and understands that it needs to work with you, not against you for you to achieve lasting change, it understands that we all have bad weeks sometimes…

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