Over two million people in Canada now suffer from diabetes, and by the 2015 it is predicted that this number will rise to three million. The type 1/ type 2 split is standard, with 10 per cent suffering from type 1 diabetes.

It is type 2 diabetes that is contributing most to what could become a problematic healthcare situation. Type 2 is increasing rapidly, with several factors feeding the surge.

These include an aging population, increased rates of obesity, and the spread of sedentary lifestyle.

Canada also has a large ethnic minorities population, and a population of aboriginals who face much higher diabetes risks. The ethnic minorities at risk include Asians, South Asians, African and Hispanic people.

Diabetes already contributes to the death of over 40,000 Canadians every year. A Canadian who is suffering from diabetes is up to four times as likely to die age 35 than a 35-year old person without diabetes.

The financial burden of diabetes on the Canadian healthcare system is also enormous, and likely to increase considerably into the future.

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