Ahead of the enormous diabetes conference scheduled in Cape Tow, South African, this December, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has released figures indicating that by 2025 diabetes will affect six per cent of the global population.
The World Diabetes Congress will be held from December 3rd-7th, and is organised by the IDF. They believe that the conference could have a dramatic influence on health authorities that are already fighting against the burden of diabetes. The onus of the conference is to make diabetes a higher priority, but delegates will focus in particular on diabetes in Africa.
According to the IDF, there are currently 240 million diabetes sufferers throughout the world. They indicate that 80 per cent of diabetics will live in developing countries by 2025. The diabetes hotspots of India and China are set to explode still further, as indolent Western lifestyle and diet creeps thorough Asia .
Type 2 diabetes is particularly prevalent in African, and this is something the 10,000 medical experts and speakers at the congress will address. One expert on diabetes in Africa said: “We hope the Congress will influence African health authorities to prioritise the needs of people with diabetes, assist in the education and empowerment, and deliver a fair and equitable service to them.”

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