Once known as adult-onset diabetes, type 2 is now rife amongst children, so much so that a recent figure indicates one out of every three American children is developing it. The astronomical figure, which will come as a shock to many, is part of a new study in America .
Experts in the US are now calling the surging tide of cases ‘diabesity.’ The disease is affecting children as young as four years old, and even the ADA (American Diabetes Association) has claimed that ‘epidemic proportions’ are being reached amongst teenagers. The implication for the future of US healthcare are enormous, with many diabetics going on to develop complications such as heart attacks, kidney failure, nerve damage and blindness .
One expert said: “It’s a large problem for our children today, because we do know that starting out overweight as a child, is a predictor of them being overweight as an adult. And what we find is the increase health risks that come with that, and diabetes just being one of those.”
But what are the symptoms? Frequent need to pee, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, increased fatigue, irritability, blurred vision and tiredness can all indicate type 2 diabetes. Remember, the earlier you intervene the more chance your child will not have developed the condition and preventative measures (diet adjustments, lifestyle adjustments, increased exercise ) can be taken.
So how can you tell if your kid is at risk? Look for common signs of type-2 diabetes. If they have one or more, you need to get them to a doctor. Here are some of the signs: frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability and blurred vision.

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