Diabetes, already regarded as one of the foremost chronic diseases in the world and a major epidemic, has always been a concern for the future . With pre- diabetic populations enormous, and the obesity problem soaring, what will be the future impact on healthcare resources? How many diabetics are there likely to be ?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have just released a fresh estimate of future diabetes figures, and the total is terrifying. The CDC predict that just under 50 million Americans will have developed diabetes by 2050. The supersedes previous CDC estimates by 10 million.
The estimate comes from a leading diabetes expert, Venkat Naraya, who used to be chief of the CDC diabetes epidemiology and statistics branch. Naraya, speaking on the matter, said: “The numbers are very worrying. There is an epidemic going on that – if left unchecked – will have a huge effect on the U.S. population and on health care costs.”
One expert, Ronald Goldberg of the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami highlighted the seriousness of the findings, saying: “This worsens the predictions that all of us have been making about the future problem that diabetes is going to represent, not only in the U.S. but around the world. The consequences are more and more suffering – eye complications, amputations, and markedly more heart disease … And just from an economic point of view, it will cripple our health care budgets .”
The prediction are published in the September issue of Diabetes Care.

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