Children suffering from diabetes have to spend an hour a day managing their disease, according a new research from Australia .
The University of Adelaide, who followed 160 children suffering from chronic illnesses over a two-year period, conducted the study . The researchers aimed to find out how much of each child’s day was taken up with treatment routines.
The results have been published in the latest journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, and show that type one diabetes treatment (that includes daily blood glucose testing, insulin injections and consideration over diet) took away between 28-58 minutes from each child’s day.
Professor of Paediatrics, Michael Sawyer, said: “We are concerned that parents and children may believe the time and hassle of treatments adversely affect a child’s lifestyle and they will be less willing to use effective treatments. If a treatment is too complicated for the child to understand or too stressful then they may also not fully comply with treatment recommendations.”
He concluded: “It is important that clinicians and policy makers have accurate information about the impact on children, parents and families of changing patterns of chronic disease management .”
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