Drinking soft drinks, or soda, is definitely not considered a healthy option. A new systemic review indicates that drinking non- diet soft drinks will lead to an increased intake of calories and an increase in body weight .
Furthermore, intake of full-calories soft drinks is linked to a lower intake of milk and fruit, and unsurprisingly an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes . One report, entitled ‘Liquid Candy’, was produced by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, concludes that carbonated soft drinks are the largest single source of calories in the average American diet .
The co-author of the review, Kelly Brownell, reportedly commented: “Nobody claims there is a single cause to the obesity problem, but the existing science certainly puts soft drinks in the list of leading contributors.”
The review was published in the April issue of the American Journal of Public Health, and will be of interest to diabetics of all nationalities. The authors also point out: “the possibility that soft drinks increase hunger, decrease satiety or simply calibrate people to a high level of sweetness that generalizes to preferences in other foods.”

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