An episode of TV runaway success Hannah Montana has been pulled off air. The controversial episode, that featured a focus on dealing with diabetes, was taken off the Disney Channel following complaints from concerned parents.
Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus is shown helping her friend Oliver, who is diagnosed with diabetes . Titled ‘No Sugar, Sugar’, the show was due to go live on November 9th. However, parents watching the show in the on-demand version complained.
A spokesperson for the show reportedly said: “During the scriptwriting stage of the ”Hannah Montana” episode in question (entitled ”No Sugar, Sugar”), the matter of depicting a character with diabetes was reviewed by our Standards and Practices executives who consulted with medical experts to inform the story and ensure that it was told responsibly. Notwithstanding the measures we took, and based on the episode’s preview and early feedback from parents (who saw it on SVOD and/or mobile platforms), we removed the episode from Sunday”s schedule and are now reevaluating it.”

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