According to diabetes news, new studies released at the American Diabetes Association conference this week could change the way patients are diagnosed with diabetes . A new way to diagnose diabetes will be announced, possibly having a major impact on diagnosis statistics and people with pre-diabetes .
The pharmaceutical industry is expected to attend the conference to learn more about the diagnosis that could affect their business. Companies such as Takeda, Merck, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline are all thought to be attending.
In other diabetes news, diabetes charity Diabetes UK is launching a new roadshow to tackle some of the symptoms of diabetes . The roadshows will take place up and down the country and encourage participants to see if they have type 2 diabetes .
Regional manager of Yorkshire and Humber Diabetes UK, Linda Wood, was reported as saying: “Diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges facing us today. It is regrettable that 80% of people with Type 2 diabetes could have avoided it by making simple but important changes to their lifestyle.”

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