The charity Diabetes UK are looking for people who suffer from the metabolic condition to tell their own story of living with diabetes . The organisation is currently searching for media volunteers that can be interviewed by journalists about their experience of being diabetic, so that the charity can respond to requests for personal stories.
The Media Relations team at Diabetes UK receive many requests from journalists for personal stories and information to make their articles and research more interesting and personal for their readers.
There has been a host of recent requests, such as asking Diabetes UK if they knew a parent of a child with diabetes they could speak to, one for a diabetic who was on a specific medical treatment, as well as a request for someone who had undergone major weight loss since they had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes .
To demand for interviewees changes constantly, so it is hard to know how many times a particular media volunteer would be requested by journalists, and some could be contacted many times each year. Also, sometimes these interviews come up at short notice, especially if it is for a television report.
No medical or clinical knowledge or experience is necessary for interviewees, as the focus is more about living with diabetes.

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