Recent diabetes news indicates that European authorities are considering changing the way in which diabetes is diagnosed, according to Pulse magazine. The shift could almost double the number of people diagnosed with diabetes . Last year, the American Diabetes Association formally changed to diagnosing type 2 diabetes using HbA1c testing, following international calls for it to be used in place of the oral glucose tolerance test.
At this stage, the shift is being considered by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, with a decision likely within a year. Research suggests that the switch, which would see diabetes diagnosed in patients with an HbA1c of 6.5% or higher, would massively increase workload for healthcare professionals.
Chair of the Primary Care Diabetes Society, Dr. Martin Haley-Brown reportedly commented: ‘It’s confusing a lot of people. We will need clear guidance when it happens because it’s going to be scary. Some people will be found to have a raised HbA1c that would not have been caught up on conventional testing and some people will be normal that will fail an OGTT.’

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