Coffee is everywhere in modern society, one of the most consumed beverages in the UK alongside tea. Caffeine is widely known as a powerful stimulant with addictive properties that can strongly influence the body. That said, a recent study suggested that a high intake of caffeine could help to stave off diabetes development.
At recent review with meta-analysis examined the role of coffee, decaffeinated coffee and tea in relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus . To reach their conclusions, the research team (Huxley, Man Ying Lee, Barzi et al.) combed every study that looked at caffeine and diabetes . The report covered over a dozen different studies and research projects.
The research team concluded that each cup of coffee consumed daily would lower the risk of developing diabetes by 7 per cent. Moreover, tea had a similar but weaker influence. However, decaffeinated coffee showed similar benefits, indicating that caffeine is not the active ingredient in protecting against diabetes .
Healthcare experts have called for a more accurate trial to be set up using two similar groups choosing obligatory consumption and abstinence to reach a final conclusion.

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