A 25-year-old man who was found dead at his home in Blackpool died of diabetic ketoacidosis, an inquest has revealed.
The Blackpool Gazette reports that Bleddyn Duffy was found dead at his home on Horbny Road on May 29 by his mother, who had called in after failing to hear from him.
Mr Duffy was diagnosed with insulin-controlled diabetes in 2010. At the time he had begun training for the army but following his diagnosis he was subsequently medically discharged.
Earlier this week, Blackpool Coroner’s Court heard that Mr Duffy initially controlled his diabetes and made regular visits to the doctors for health check ups. But as time went o, he refused to attend appointments and starting skipping his insulin doses, causing him to fit.
The inquest heard how he had complained of chest pains in the days before his death. It was only when the results of a post mortem came back that it was revealed his death was caused by diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous complication of diabetes which occurs when the body starts running out of insulin.
Blackpool coroner Alan Wilson said the condition had “perhaps developed following a period of inadequate control of his diabetes”.
In a statement, Mr Duffy’s mother Carol Duffy said: “I feel devastated because of what happened. He was struggling with his life and he died.
“He never fully accepted his illness. If he had accepted medical help things would have been different.”
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