NHS staff have called for people to respect restrictions rather than restart the Clap4Carers

NHS staff have slammed last Thursday’s ‘Clap for Carers’ scheme asking that people instead respect lockdown rules instead.

The weekly ritual, introduced in Match 2020, saw the whole country join together and clap to show their support to medics and key workers.

Annemarie Plas, the person who created the initial idea to show support to frontline staff, confirmed the weekly clap is coming back – which restarted on January 7, 2021.

She said: “Last year the weekly applause united communities and had us talking to our neighbours whilst we acknowledged the immense sacrifices our carers were making.

“They were and still are heroes, but this time round we also want to recognise all the other heroes that keep the country going and have endured such challenging times.”

But as COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, hospitals fill up and frontline staff are exhausted, many healthcare professionals and other keyworkers are just asking that people follow the rules instead.

One Twitter user called @pauljebb1, who is an Associate Director of Nursing in Blackpool, posted: “Please don’t #clapForCarers, stay in, wear a mask, stick to the rules, that’s how you can help….. #ThankYou

Consultant Pharmacist Ceri Phillips tweeted: “Don’t stand in the cold & #clapforcarers – we don’t need more pneumonia admissions. Show your support for NHS staff by campaigning for a decent pay rise – our lowest paid grades continue to risk their lives & get paid a pittance.”

Sophie Allan, a Clinical Psychologist in Early Intervention in Psychosis, agreed, tweeting: “#ClapForHeroes: a tokenistic gesture that exonerates poor decision making, NHS under funding, and lack of vaccinations for healthcare workers. What’s needed is action, not applause.”

Yazan Masannat, a surgeon for breast cancer patients at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, tweeted: ‘We really don’t want people to clap for us for doing our jobs. Just stay at home and avoid getting infected and infecting everybody else that is more helpful. #ClapForHeroes #CoronavirusUK.”

Others have stated that instead of clapping, NHS workers should be given a pay increase as in France.

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