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Everyone with type 1 diabetes will be offered “transformational” wearable technology to help them keep track of their blood sugar levels and better manage their condition.

The latest recommendations from NICE – the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – means that all those with the condition will be offered the gadget, which is the size of a £2 coin and sits on the person’s arm. With the help of an app, the user can scan the monitor for a blood sugar reading.

Previously, only three in five people with type 1 diabetes were eligible for the technology, which has been described by Diabetes UK as “transformational”.

The charity’s chief executive, Chris Askew, said: “What we are seeing is a key shift in thinking – a move to recognising that technology is an integral part of diabetes management, not simply an added luxury.”

Dr Paul Chrisp, director of the centre for guidelines at NICE, said: “Many people find finger-prick testing to be painful and time-consuming and the introduction of technology for all people living with type 1 diabetes will reduce this considerably.”

Professor Partha Kar, national NHS specialty adviser for diabetes for the NHS in England, commented: “These monitors are a win win – they support diabetes patients to live healthier lives, reduce their risk of hospitalisation while also helping to reduce pressure on NHS services and provide better value for money for taxpayers.”

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