Paleo Diet

The paleolithic (or paleo) diet is based on the food that is…

Medication and a paleo keto diet

A major success of paleo keto diet studies has been the cessation…

Case study – Kristóf Orosz

Kristóf Orosz was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of…

Medical reaction to the paleo keto diet

There is scepticism within the medical community regarding the paleolithic ketogenic diet.…

Case studies of the paleo keto diet

The paleolithic ketogenic diet is an innovative new diet that is having…

Paleo keto diets and children

The most noteworthy studies into the paleolithic ketogenic diet have focused on…

Precautions with a paleo keto diet

The paleo keto diet involves a number of dietary restrictions and therefore…

Paleo keto diets and adults

Scientists investigating the paleolithic ketogenic diet believe it could yield significant health…

Foods to eat on a paleo keto diet

The paleo keto diet is based on animal fat and protein consumption.…

Benefits of a paleo keto diet

The paleo keto diet has led to some remarkable benefits for some…