Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

The BMI (Body Mass Index) can be used to quickly and simply…


The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat that…

Why is BMI Important?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is important as it is widely regarded that…

Tips for Shopping Right

Certain shopping habits can prove detrimental for some people, and actually play…

What to Eat to Lower BMI

Adopting a healthy diet will enable you to lower your BMI (Body…

How Accurate is BMI?

The BMI is a useful measurement for most people over 18, and…

BMI Outcomes in Adults

When your BMI is calculated, it will translate to being underweight, in…

Changing Eating Habits

If you are looking to reduce your BMI reading, or alter your…

Exercising to Lower BMI

Exercise is one of the key ways in which you can actively…

Portion Sizes

Portion sizes have increased dramatically over the last 20 years, which can…