Certain shopping habits can prove detrimental for some people, and actually play a big part in how easy it can be to put on weight.

Special deals advertised by supermarkets can be tempting when larger products are discounted at a much lower price, regardless of how healthy they are.

This can lead to people buying excess food that they don’t really need and  in greater portions than recommended.

Putting on weight can be easily done from bad shopping habits, so planning your shopping activity in advance is important to avoid certain supermarket pitfalls.

Eat before shopping

If you haven’t eaten before you shop, it is likely that hunger pangs that strike at the supermarket can lead you to make the odd impulse purchase.

Make sure you have eaten, and you are full before you head out to do your grocery shopping. Feelings of hunger will therefore have less of an influence, which will not only prevent you from buying food that may be unhealthy, but also reduce your shopping bill.

Make a grocery list

Making and sticking to a grocery list is important as it gives you a sense of direction when entering a store.

Knowing exactly what you need to buy can prevent you from getting sidetracked and potentially forgetting to buy important items in favour of unplanned purchases.

A grocery list can also save you time when shopping. By crossing off items as you go along, you can work out which aisles to visit next rather than just walking up each one and seeing what things you could buy.

Buy the right foods

Dedicate your shopping list to buying the foods that are best for you when shopping, including fresh fruit and vegetables and lean cuts of meat and fish

Reduce the amount of sugary foods in your trolley that will result in additional calorie consumption and try to implement whole grain changes into your diet.

Buy brown bread instead of white to gain the most nutrients, while buying whole grain rice and cereal will also be more beneficial for you than white or sugary counterparts.

Buy and try a new fruit or vegetable

The policy of buying and trying a new fruit or vegetable is one element where not sticking specifically to your grocery list can be beneficial.

The nutrients found in most fruit and vegetables make them worth purchasing, especially if you have not had particular ones that you may be interested in trying.

Try one new piece of fruit or vegetable each time you go to the supermarket to liven up your meals or snacks for when you get home.

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