As lockdown measures continue to ease up, here is a rundown of what people in England can and can’t do. All the changes below are being introduced from July 4.

Social distancing

The Prime Minister has acknowledged that it is not always possible to stay 2m apart so he is asking people to keep a distance of “one metre plus” between one another.

The 2m rule still applies for people in In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

People are being asked to continue to observe precautions to reduce the risk of transmission.

Business safety

Places of business are being asked change office layouts to avoid face-to-face seating and reduce the number of people in enclosed areas.

Ventilation must be improved and protective screens and face coverings should be introduced.

Social spaces that are not needed should be closed and hand sanitiser must be provided.


Restaurants, pubs and cafes in England are now allowed to open but table service is only allowed and customers must give their contact details before entering an establishment.

People can now stay in hotels, B&Bs, cottages, campsites and caravan parks overnight.

In Northern Ireland holiday accommodation can reopen for business from 26 June, and pubs and restaurants can open on 3 July. It is thought hospitality and holidays decisions in Wales and Scotland will be announced in July.

Meeting people

Two households of any size will be able to meet indoors or outside. It will be possible to stay overnight and it does not have to be the same set of households, although social distancing must still be adhered to, unless they are part of the same support bubble.

It is not recommended that people from different households meet up inside though.

Several households can meet in groups of up to six outside, but two households can meet regardless of size.

What else can open?

Outdoor gyms and children’s playgrounds.

Hairdressing salons must take safety measures using screens.

Libraries, community centres, bingo halls, cinemas, museums and galleries.

Funfairs, theme parks, amusement arcades, outdoor skating rinks, social clubs and model villages.

Prayers and services can take place in places of worship and weddings can go ahead for up to 30 guests and social distancing measures must still apply.

What is to remain shut?

Nightclubs, bowling alleys, spas, swimming pools, indoor gyms and soft play centres.

Live performances at theatres and concert halls are still not allowed.

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