Product guide written by Diabetes Expert: Sue Marshall

The S9 Elite is a therapy system from Resmed that provides Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) affects approximately one in every five adults in the UK. One of three things can happen. If your airways are narrow (or narrowed) then your airflow is limited. Or, your airways might vibrate – the well-known cause of snoring.
Assist sleep apnea
The more extreme experience is collapse of the upper airway causing you to stop breathing for a short period of time. It is this that is known as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
Not breathing, even for only a few seconds at a time, puts a strain on your body, raising blood pressure and reducing your quality of sleep. The overweight or those with type 2 diabetes have an increased chance of having OSA and a corresponding higher risk of other health complications
This prevents the collapse of your upper airway while you are sleeping and involves a bedside device and a mask which delivers a night-long flow of gently pressurised air, but involves no drugs or surgery. The low air pressure does not interfere with normal breathing.