Fasting may change the body’s hunger response – here’s what to do about it

Some people have great success with intermittent fasting (IF) because fasting curbs their…

Type 2 diabetes has its breakthrough – researchers take note

There’s not a week that goes by without a team of researchers…

Five-continent PURE study suggests reconsideration of global dietary guidelines

The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study has suggested that a high-carb…

Reassessing the benefits of plant-based diets

On the occasion of International Vegetarian Week, we reviewed the evidence supporting…

The DCUK review of Diabulimia: The World’s Most Dangerous Eating Disorder

The BBC Three documentary ‘Diabulimia: The World’s Most Dangerous Eating Disorder’ is…

Is low-fat milk and dairy the healthy choice?

The health impact and weight control benefits of different dairy foods represent…

Diabetes Forum shown to empower wellbeing in University of London study

In 2003 we launched the Diabetes Forum with the aim of helping…

Are diets high in meat harmful to health?

In light of the recent controversy around meat consumptio, we’ve decided to…

American Heart Association Doubles Down On Anti Saturated Fat Stance

The AHA’s recent hotly debated presidential advisory statement on dietary fats in…

The harm of sugar: Why health risks should be compared to alcohol

If you’ve been following the nutrition news lately, you may have noticed…