Could a 5000-year old Chinese self-healing art be useful in fighting modern day diabetes problems?
A team of researchers from the University of Queensland have revealed that traditional Chinese exercise could be a useful and effective way of preventing diabetes. The study assessed the use of Qigong and Tai Chi, and achieved some surprising results.
Volunteers for the study were found to have improved blood pressure, HbA1c (Glucose-binding Haemoglobin), bodyweight and waist circumference. The study consisted of 11 participants, who undertook a specific exercise program. Qigong, a major part of the study, centres around combining the breath with movement and mind training.
The developer of the study, a PHD student, Qigong and Tai Chi master called Liu Xi, was delighted by the results, and emphasised the potential for further development of the program.
He commented: “The results of the study show that this specific program has a beneficial effect on indicators of glucose metabolism and may therefore play a role in developing secondary prevention strategies for Type 2 diabetes.”
The study results come at a good time for Australia, where diabetes is at record levels, affecting 7.5% of adults in the 25 plus demographic. The specific type of benefits achieved through Qigong and Tai Chi were proven to be beneficial to diabetics, and volunteers reported decreased waistlines, increased energy and flexibility and better sleep.

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