Insulin resistance, independent of diabetes and other known risk factors, may precede coronary heart failure in older men.
“We have for the first time shown that insulin resistance predicts future heart failure, even when taking all previously known risk factors into account,” said lead author Erik Ingelsso, MD, section of geriatrics, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Factors indicating insulin sensitivity and obesity were assessed along with known risk factors, like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Based on their findings, researchers state: “Since heart failure is a disease with a high mortality and much suffering, it is important to identify subjects at risk,” Dr. Ingelsson told Geriatrics in an email message, “Effort must be made on identifying subjects with potential insulin resistance, for example, by diagnosing the metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
Recommend that these patients consider lifestyle changes with more physical activity and consumption of less sugar and fat, to reduce the insulin resistance.”
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