Diabetes, as well as being one of the fastest growing diseases in the world, also costs healthcare systems enormous amounts of money. A new scheme being piloted in an American University aims to lower the cost of medications whilst targeting the treatments that prevent the worst diabetes complications.
As of July 1st this year, employees at the University of Michigan and their dependents who suffer from any type of diabetes will be provided with some medication free of charge. Participants in the scheme will be charged no co-pay, with a focus on those drugs that control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of kidney and heart problems, ease depression and lower blood pressure. The drugs have been specifically chosen to help stave off diabetes-related complications.
The participants in the schemen, of which there are thought to be around 2,000, will also be given educational materials to increase their understanding of the condition and reduce the chance of diabetes complications. The idea for the program arose from research at the University of Michigan that has shown the value of removing the cost barrier in treating chronic illness. Experts will evaluate the validity of the scheme. Onus on prevention now, and a focus on reducing human and economic costs, proves how forward thinking the scheme is.

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