Africa is not normally considered a major part of the global diabetes epidemic, with news and studies focusing on the diabetes hotspots of American, India and China. However, according to the 19th World Diabetes Congress, Africa will now face a growing diabetes epidemic that will impose economic and social burdens on the continent.
Currently, it is estimated that around 10.4 million people, approximately 3.1 per cent of the adult African population, will almost double by 2025. According to new data released by the International Diabetes Federatio, 18.5 million people will suffer from diabetes in Africa by 2025.
The IDF launched the African Diabetes Declaratio, a statute that calls on Government, industry and civil society to do their utmost to tackle the disease. The Declaration is just one part of the five-day long conference, which has gathered over 12,000 diabetes delegates from around the world. Together, they pledge to raise diabetes awareness.

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