The New York Times, in many circles regarded as one of the bastions of the world’s press, has highlighted the diabetes epidemic sweeping the city in an article entitled ‘Diabetes and Its Awful Toll Quietly Emerge as a Crisis’ by journalist N.R.Kleinfield. The article raises some frightening issues that carry implications for diabetics and healthcare services not just in New York, but throughout America and the world.
Diabetes has swept across America in recent years. The rise of a sedentary lifestyle based around consumption has promulgated catapulting obesity rates: and a consequent rise in instances of type 2 diabetes. The disease is particularly common in some ethnic minorities. In New York itself, it is estimated that 800,000 adults have the disease. The article highlights that this is 1 out of every 8 people.
The NY Times article raises numerous other pertinent points and statistics. Diabetes, a chronic condition, is the only major disease that is actually increasing in New York. This statistic incorporates both new cases and patients killed. The rate of the disease is also highlighted.
However, although diabetes is an obvious problem already, and a major drain on the healthcare resources of many nations, this pales into insignificance when compared with what the future may bring. Public health systems are advised to begin to prepare now, as cases continue to increase.

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