The author of the diabetes blog, Amy Tenderich, could have had a strong influence on the future of devices designed to help diabetics with their disease. Controlling and managing diabetes is a major commitment, and can be a test of willpower. Any device that can help the hundreds of millions of diabetic patients around the world with their disease should be commended, not to mention sponsored and championed.
Tenderich, herself one of the 20 million diabetics in American, wrote an open letter to Apple mastermind Steve Jobs in April. Her challenge was for his company to devise a brilliant and innovative product to help diabetics do away with their current bulky and outdated equipment. Part fashio, part function, a response from Apple remains to be seen.
However, another San Francisco Bay based company called Adaptive Path has designed a sleek and functional blood glucose monitor, as well as an insulin pump that will adhere directly to the body of the patient. Users of the device can monitor their blood sugar levels using the Charmr, a device that is worn on the wrist or as a necklace. The device also has USB capability.
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