Women with gestational diabetes could be at a greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer, at least that is the verdict of researchers in America and Israel. The study claims to be the first to link the two diseases.
Type 2 diabetics are commonly regarded as being at a greater risk of pancreatic cancer, but according to the new results, there is also a strong connection with the less common form of diabetes. The link is associated with the release of hormones, not to mention weight gain during pregnancy.
Pancreatic cancer is a particularly dangerous disease. Unfortunately, it is often diagnosed later on in its development, and only approximately five per cent of sufferers live for five years. There are approximately 200,000 new cases every year.
One researcher, Mary Perri, who is employed by the New York University School of Medicine, reportedly commented: “What makes this study important is – other than a potential to develop type-2 diabetes – not much is known about gestational diabetes, which may be an earlier marker of risk of other health outcomes like pancreatic cancer .”

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