Research teams have started a clinical trial into the safety and efficiency of oral insulin in the prevention or delay of type 1 diabetes . According to the National Institutes of Health, the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet will conduct the study from over 100 medical centers.
The study will be truly worldwide, involving researchers in American, Canada, Europe and Australia . The study Chair, Doctor Skyler of the University of Miami, said: “Our goal is to prevent type 1 diabetes or to delay it as long as possible. If diabetes can be delayed, even for several years, those at risk will be spared the difficult challenges of controlling glucose and the development of complications for that much longer.”
The aim of the trial is to assess whether daily oral insulin tablets can could prevent or delay diabetes. Oral insulin could delay or prevent type 1 diabetes, according to previous trials. Some researchers believe that insulin via the digestive tract could lead to a calmer immune system. The study will focus on patients who are highly at risk and those who have recently been diagnosed.

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