The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the foremost diabetes charity in American, has endorsed a new piece of legislation introduced by the US Senate on Friday. The Diabetes Screening and Medicaid Savings Act aims to reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes and diabetes complications by providing Medicaid-funded screening tests.
Furthermore, the legislation aims to ensure that a comprehensive package of benefits is provided to make sure diabetes care is properly managed. These include widespread prescription drug coverage, medical equipment that is well designed and long-lasting, responsible services for pregnancy, eye care, foot acre, education and training in nutrition and self-management.
Over 20 million people in America have diabetes, with only two-thirds diagnosed. An enormous population has pre-diabetes, a figure thought to exceed 50 million. Larry Deeb, the president of Medicine and Science at the American Diabetes Associatio, reportedly commented:
“Diabetes has become the greatest public health crisis of the 21st century. With more and more Americans at risk for diabetes – especially among our nation’s poor and most vulnerable – we need to make sure we are doing a better job of diagnosing those at risk and ensuring that they have the necessary tools to manage the disease. This is not being done sufficiently today. If we don’t address this issue, we will be setting our health care system up for failure.”

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